
image by @jongcl

I was tagged by @itsmiessyonpeakd last two weeks. Hahaha, I know, I did took my time before posting my reply. This is because after reading her content for The Creative Blogger Tag, I felt like her content was really good and are well crafted. So, I need to come out with something on par.

I have been thinking a lot and for quite sometime on what and how to answer the two obligatory questions, and the other five questions. To be honest, I'm not sure whether I have answered the questions or not 😅

Here it goes, I try my level best to answer, and below is the answers to those questions:

Obligatory Questions

Obligatory Question #1Answer
How Would You Add Value to Hive image.pngFor me, HIVE is all about community and the individuals within the community. To create a better community, I believe that I should take interest / participate in other people’s passions, and try to engage as much as I possibly can.
Obligatory Question #2Answer
How would you make Hive a better place? image.pngI've been posting my content in HIVE for six months now. During my six months journey, there are few things that I learned. Some of it is, I need to spent time to search and upvote author that created a quality content. It is also OK not to post a content everyday. What matter is QUALITY over QUANTITY. Lastly, respect other's opinion and differences.

Now that I have answer the obligatory questions, I moved to the five questions that has been prepared by @itsmiessyonpeakd. Here it goes.

Question #1Answer
What's the most memorable event that happened in your life? image.pngIt is a series of events that happen to me in year 2010 that shape me to the person I am now. The event happened in a row and did challenge me as a person, as a son, as a husband and as a father. To share briefly, the event are as follow in chronological order: (i) I found out that my late father was diagnosed with cancer, (ii) I was fired from my job (iii) my father passed away (iv) my wife giving birth to my first daughter (v) I was offered another job that is not even my area of expertise. In a way, I am really grateful for the series of events to happen to me
Question #2Answer
Which do you prefer? Living in a city or suburb? And Why? img_20210903_182930.jpgIf this was asked 15 years back, My answer will be the city. But, as i grew older, I prefer to have more space and privacy to myself. The city is always bustling, thus won't be able to offer me a lot of space and privacy. The suburb is the place that can offer me this.
Question #3Answer
How do you cope up with the situation especially this time of pandemic? image.pngHonestly it is really hard. Most of my activities are outdoor activities. The next best thing is blogging in HIVE 😁
Question #4Answer
Where do you wanna travel abroad when the pandemic is over? And Why? image.pngI always wanted to ride my bike to Thailand. This has been planned long before pandemic, and was about to commence just few weeks before pandemic. When pandemic hits, I have no choice than to put it on hold. However, this is still in my list. Maybe next year (2022) I will make this plan come true
Question #5Answer
What song that describe your life? And why? image.pngIt would be 'Man in the mirror' by Michael Jackson. I have few things in life that I wanted to change so badly, that it eats me up inside....and i realize, for things to change, I need to review and change myself first

Now that I have answered all of the questions, below my questions to those I will tagged:

  1. Why the username?
  2. What is your nickname, and how do you got it?
  3. Work from home or work from office?
  4. What would you change about yourself if you could?
  5. If you could share a meal with any 1 individuals (alive or dead), who would he/her be?

Now, the tagged person will be:

Rosmadi Razali

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