The Hive Blog Limerick Challenge.. 🐳

Here is the challenge...

Write a 5 Line Limerick with the word “Hive”


There once was a blog named Hive.
Uncensored speech it was trying to revive.
Decentralized power
Starting to flower
A great time to be alive.

Share your Limerick in the comments below for a massive whale 🐳 upvote.


Words and phrases that rhyme with Hive: (83 results)

1 syllable:
blive, brive, chive, clive, clyve, dive, dr, dr., drive, drive-in, five, glaive, grive, i've, jive, live, shive, shrive, slive, stive, strive, thrive, vive

2 syllables:
alive, archive, arrive, beehive, c5, connive, contrive, convive, crash dive, declive, deprive, derive, descrive, discrive, disc drive, disk drive, enlive, fordrive, hard drive, inhive, let drive, line drive, m5, misthrive, nosedive, nose dive, o'five, ogive, outgive, outrive, reprive, revive, sex drive, sky dive, survive, swan dive, take five, tape drive, test drive, ungive, unhive, unlive

3 syllables:
backhand drive, cd drive, come alive, fluid drive, forehand drive, forty-five, hyperdrive, overdrive, power dive, swallow dive, take a dive, thirty-five, twenty-five

4 syllables:
external drive, internal drive, seventy-five, winchester drive

5 syllables:
automatic drive


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