Someone turned 4...



When I start a post with hesitation, you know I actually have no clue how to start it. I have never been good at these things when I have to write about the topic that you will find out soon if you continue here with these lines...

The only thing I know is that today, during the whole day one number is chasing me. We went to a Teppanyaki restaurant to celebrate the happy news that we got the other day and our table was labelled with the number four. All the food we ordered was delicious and the celebrated one was happy with everything.

{I brought home the chopsticks as we used just the regular cutlery, as we always do. Maybe I will challenge myself to learn to use chopsticks - it is a shame that for all these years I didn't even try to use them while eating in some Asian restaurant. Although we were three, we got two pairs of chopsticks - which makes four pieces of wood 😁}

After lunch and a very short nap, our very close friends came to visit us. It was beach time, making some plans and talking about the recent few weeks... and then my husband suggested going to a pastry shop... to continue with the celebration. Do you see the number of cakes?


not just my cakes

Now this number could not be just a coincidence.

Of course, it is not, as it is today, the thirtieth day of the month of June when I have my... fourth... Hive... anniversary!!! 😍

Hivebuzz left me this comment an hour ago (well, I think now it is probably two or three hours since this notification). There I also found out that I made 975 posts and wrote 34,006 comments. I suppose after publishing this post the first number will change to 976. :D

Screenshot from 2024-06-30 20-57-19.png

As this little fridge magnet heard the info, it came to this post to celebrate with us as well. He escaped from the Hive Collectors community.


You see, I am still shy to talk about the real topic of this post. The anniversary... but I will try to say a few words. The first thing is that these four years passed super, mega quickly!! As if I started yesterday on the platform... Sometimes we joke with my husband that I am just two weeks on Hive and I already did this or that. 😂

But the numbers don't lie, it is four long years that Hive is having its solid portion of my days. Although four years is little compared to those who celebrated their 7th anniversary recently, I have seen many of them in my feed. Well done to all of you! It is amazing to see that one platform can count on these people already for so many years, who fight and give their time, efforts, knowledge and love into a long-term idea such as Hive and the people who make the community.


My four years lived on Hive had their ups and a few downs (which are not worthy of mentioning), they had their evolution and different shapes, content and people I engage with. It was the year 2020 when my Hive adventure started with other users who walked by me since then. Some stayed, others went away, and many came in the meantime and I know that many will still come to share their energy, inspiration and good vibes.


A few days ago, speaking with a colleague, we agreed that music should never serve only to "fill a space of time with some noise"... while we play music, we have to leave a mark, touch the hearts of the public, inspire or bring hope. If not hope, at least to leave an impression, whatever it may be, for the listener. Surely the same should happen here, in Hive... I hope that here we not only count years, to have more anniversaries in quantity, but maybe do that other thing and serve a more noble purpose.


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