Setting the base expectation for dapp/project PROPOSALS


There is a real problem with DHF funding on Hive.

DHF is used to fund proposals that basically only service Hive or for dapps with miniscule growth only focused on their small chunk of the Hive user base.
Created for Hivers to fund and Hivers to use.

There is very little to no effort put into external reach.

So lets set a minimum expectation for that. Something thats easily accessible and free to do with massive ceiling potential.

For that reason going forward I will not be supporting any dapp or project that doesnt openly state that they will have someone speaking on niche related topics on various CT spaces at least once a week.
Im an orca size account and my vote wont help much with passing a proposal but ill make sure to state that on Hive.
I know people that made millions of dollars pushing their stuff on spaces, simply talking to people, VCs, users, investors. I can give you dozens of examples. People that were on financial aid, making millions all using Spaces for it.

Its free to do and basically no one is doing it.
Start small, have your voice become relevant.

Dapps for the purpose of a small chunk of the Hive community using it with 0 shown intent on growth is a waste of money in my book.

That is the expectation I am setting for my vote.

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No CT spaces activity, no funding.

For any small project thats a good start, its a free start. You arent Splinterlands that has the basis for serious partners.

Spaces have become so relevant nowadays that in reach they exceed mainstream media.
This should become a given requirement when judging a proposals merit.

Not because it should be the only thing they do but because it should be the basis of their external reach.

If you suck at speaking about your project, get gud. Get gud fast.


Hive is an island right now in the crypto sphere and all our proposal makers are happy playing with their duckies and buckets on the sandy beach.
If thats what you want to do, maybe just stay at home.

The seed money provided by DHF should come with an expectation of external effort and not only servicing and dapp feature effort.

Freechain wasnt made so Lordbutterfly could get some money from the DHF.
Lordbutterfly made Freechain so he can develop connections in the industry, so the story can be shown outside Hive, so it can go on streaming services, so it can enter film festivals. And if stuff happens like we hope it does I will have financial benefit from it and Hive will have benefit from it.

Imagine the utterly stupid idea and waste of money it would be making a film intended for a few thousands Hivers to watch and maybe if someone sees it on accident that wanders to Hive.
Why wouldnt that apply to dapps as well?

Once the time comes and we are ready, guess where you will find me speaking?
On Twitter spaces.
Not because I like speaking in public, or I'm a glutton for attention but because its NECCESARY.

Spaces should be the basis of your external reach. Thats it.
You want my proposal support, that is my basic requirement.
Not my only requirement, but before its fulfilled, I dont care about anything else.

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