How to Revoke Your Posting Permissions

Could the services you used to use be voting without your permission or knowledge? Here is a site where you can revoke your posting permissions and also add posting permissions as well.

Normally, when you give sites permission to do this they will create a permission with your active private key (via some wallet extension or Hive signer). These services can become forgotten about over time.

It is good security practice to lock out ex-girlfriends or ex-employees. Change the lock and get new keys. It's a lot cheaper in Hive or Steem you simply go to this page and revoke their permissions.

Here is mine.

Screenshot 61.png

Step 1

Click here and change the username from @leprechaun to yours and see what your permissions are and if you want revoke them.

Step 2

You can view mine and your permissions to other services. You may have some old ones you are not using anymore left from the Steem-Hive divorce fork.

Step 3

You can revoke using Steem Keychain and Hive Keychain these services.

The website was created by me, using jEdit, React, Steem-JS and Hive-JS.

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