No offence

No to offence

Offence is the root of bitterness, resentment hate and anger.

Offence does no good to the victim.

One way to know you are in offence,is the ease to respond with anger, there is a force that stimulate you for revenge,response resulting from displeasure,hurt and anger and outrage usually cause by the words and actions of people ,been offensive and been offended come from thesame root "self" our self worth,self esteem ,the foundation of offence is disappointed make you vulnerable and weak.offence had the ability of preventing good things come your way.

Offence is a choice, walking in love is a choice.offence has destroyed Godly relationship,offence is a sign that you are centered

Never tie your joy to what people do to you,your joy should not depend on people,chose to be joyful regardless of your external environment.

You have the responsibility to keep your life offence free.

As you go out and spend the weekend today am wishing you my dear uptrennd family a very happy weekend,stay offence free for the rest of your life with this little tips.


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