The Biggest Self Voter / Spammer on Hive - And Nobody Cares

What should one do when hivewatchers are looking the other way (ignore my report) & even whales like @acidyo upvote them. Are they part of it?

I'm talking about @cwow2 - a self voting, spamming abuser!
Please enjoy this utter shitshow:

Self Voting
@cwow2 likes to upvote his own posts.

blatant self voting

he even acknowledges it himself

that is a response to a post/comment of yours (@acidyo)

One of his alt accounts - used to make spam & upvote scripts

alt account with even more leased HP

different alt with leased HP

more self voting

Voting Services

Hive Watchers
thinks Hive Watchers are doing a "shitty shitty job". Well no shit - they don't mess with him :P

AI Article Spam + self voting
Guess he doesn't have enough "real" posts, so he used an AI for posts.

pretty clear I guess whom this account belongs...

some posts even have the AI input in it...

Guess the AI posts thing was too labor intensive - so he started to spam & self vote. Those accounts spam like crazy - probably only exist to self vote once again. (accounts: medemr, medicorez & medwow)

Using Ecency Boost Functionality
to further up his posts.

Delegate RC to fund spam accounts.

Same day user @medwow was created... Ho HP - just a ton of RC... funny coincidence ^^

Bot Army
Who needs that many accounts if you don't do anything shady?

WTF is this!?

He tries to hide his actions (shoddily) by creating lots of entries that make his account history hard to read. Even started to downvote (some) of his spam content, after other people started to downvote it.

What a shitshow!? And why is @acidyo upvoting this? If you boast about manual curation, such things shouldn't go unnoticed in my opinion!

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