Just had a Thought ~ #literallyjustathought

I was just death scrolling on FB 5 seconds ago when the thought hit me....

Why am I even on FB?


I counted this morning. I was given a combined 15 "Suggested for you" and "ads", before I was actually given a post from a "friend".

If it isn't a friend, it's a post from a page I like or follow.

So I asked myself, what am I doing here?

The only few reasons I could come up with were...

1.) I run my business page on there, because most of my clientele find about me from there. It's an easy advertising tool.

2.) I like to see how my friends and businesses that I like and follow are doing. See which friends just had a kid. Or keep tabs on my buddies brewery he just opened, for example.

Other than that, it's mostly just ads tailored to my prior likes and off FB data that's been collected.

So I'm basically there to market my business and keep tabs on people I enjoy.

That's it.

A tool that FB uses that I think would do wonders for us here on Hive, is the "people you may know" slide. That was kind of the hook for me and many others when FB launched many years ago. THAT, and searching for the hot chicks you met hammered at the bar the night before...but I digress.

I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever met someone that I didn't already know, who said, "Hey, are you on HIVE? You should follow me!"

Just doesn't happen.

In college, it was like every day..."You on FB?! Friend me!!!!"

I'd gander out of my 1,438 followers, 10-30 are people I know in real life and/or have met.

The rest are either bots, long-gone zombie users, or people I have met here on this blockchain who live mostly, many, many, many miles away from me. Never met any of em IRL. Tried a couple times, but never succeeded.

I know we use screen names here, but I think something like that tool would do wonders for branching out and being given the opportunity to follow other people you may not know about or didn't even know were here on Hive in the first place.

Idk, just came to me.

Would be cool to see it happen. But I'm not a coder or dev. So if someone sees the value in it, by all means, have at it.

Thanks for reading.

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