So how WAS August 2020 for you?? Did you meet your #Hive goals?

End of the month as a physical business owner always sees me tidying off accounting to go through to the acocuntant, and so it's been a GOOD HABIT for 30 years (as long as I have been self employed!) to look at the numbers at the beginning of each new month, and have a think about performance and modifying strategy.

It's a habit I have brought across to my Hive experience.

On 31st August the @Hivelift acount was only 19 days old. And this is how it looked:

The actual @HiveLift account: 41 Followers, Following 22, Delegated HP 310, Total account value $4.59. Clearly I'm not here for the money. 😆 3 posts, the 3rd of which was so woeful it doesn't even make it into the PeakD stats. 😆

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@HiveLift was primarly a Twitter intiative, so perhaps fairest to see how that side of this little Hive initaitive is fairing:

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What am I MOST pleased about? The monthly average engagement level of 5.3%.

Why? Becasue the twitter average is actually 0.048%

Most would consider 0.5% to be a good engagement rate for Twitter, with anything above 1% great. Smaller businesses with an engaged following should aim for an engagement rate that's consistently more than that, though. May 15, 2020 Source

So, I challenge you (those of you on twitter) to check out your own average engagement rate for the month of August. BRAVE tweeters leaving their honest average engagement stat in the post comments below will receive ENGAGE tokens from @artemislives!

What else was I happy about? The number of profile visits. People come to check out who I am.

Why the big an sudden dip in profile visits? I STUPIDLY was slugged with a Twitter Search Ban, and you can see the effect it had on the very new account. Was it Twitter's evil censorship strategy? LOL. Nope. It was 2 STUPID TWEETS I made! 😆 The first was I actually used the word "orgasm" in a tweet, forgetting that twitter doesn't like healthy biological functions. @traciyork even commented on me using the "O" word at the time and I didn't register. Duh. The second incident was when I asked people to C*****T on great posts, not even THINKING that in the context of the "O" word it put my account on the sensitive content list and subsequently search-banned. Ouch.

After reading the twitter Terms of Service with a magnifiying glass for about 77 hours and reflecting a lot, I fianlly had an Aha!! moment, deleted those 2 specific tweets and the bans were lifted within 12 hours. I did learn A LOT though, about hashtag abuse and other reasons people get banned on my travels. It's been an eventful beginning.

So, I have shown you the good, bad and the ugly of what I do each month, and admitted my mistakes.

Most important thing to evaluate? Why are you posting what you do?

@Hivelift has 1 simple goal: To be a central point, highlighting all the diversity, positivity and good things of Hive.

So that someone new can scroll through and say, "Wow - I wanna be part of that!" OR so someone tightly locked into Natural Medicine or the bowels of Leo Finance (for example) can see other fun, productive, profitable and enjoyable parts of Hive that they didn't know existed. One of the really easy ways we can grow Hive and our Hive imcome is if we all start using more of the different Dapps and start sharing our positive experiences more widely! If we feel collective PRIDE at the depth and breadth of Hive talent and achievement, onboarding to Hive becomes natural and easy, and not the forced drum-banging of the Hive word it has been.

So do YOU evalaute your Hive performance every month?

My adjustments for September?

  • Using the Hive account for @HiveLift more creatively;
  • Upvoting good twitter-discovered content from the @HiveLift account;
  • Connecting with more parts of the Hive that remain elusive, undiscovered or unknown to me;
  • Sharing excellent content onchain (some of it already shared by @HivePeople onchain and on twitter) inviting us to reconsider what we do, and why we do it.

Enjoy the moments.

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Find us on twitter @HiveLift


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