My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community.

Hello with this post I want to express my mistake and sincerely apologize to the Hive community. By posting links to my posts where I collected information from other sources.

I sincerely want to apologize and I hope you will forgive me for the mistake I made. I thought that if I take a little information that is a fact such as dates and years of situations that have happened and the history of places as I thought it was not a mistake to write true information that is not good to invent and lie to people. But it was not correct to take information from a foreign source to write about my own as I missed the rule that the author of this text should be emphasized. I was not clear enough with the rules that should be read carefully. Now, after what I have done, I am learning a wise lesson about the fact that we must be completely sincere. I sincerely regret and regret the mistakes we have made, and everyone is wrong. I hope you let me back in this wonderful platform that promises a great future to the world. I apologize for trying to get information from foreign sources. I think I can give a lot of myself and show people that I am a real artist and I love to write about life, nature, animals and the world in general. Somehow through this community I developed myself and I can't forgive myself for what I allowed to happen in order not to write wrong information about the historical facts that happened about the places I visited. I am sorry that I tried to give information that is not sincere from the heart and soul that I have not learned myself for fear of giving wrong information to people in this community I made a mistake. My sincere apologies to the #Hive community

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