Q A ME - THE ORY ][ How to build a citIZEN from HIVE: Let's start here @ The O C U

For The Openly Creative UniverCity, and IN anticipation of my POW over the last 4 years, I wanted to OPEN up to (Q)s...

and (A)s, for any individuals capable of direct Blockchain communiques.

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Direct Blockchain communication appears to be THE MOST difficult activity for people in THIS day and age who have been completely conditioned by Centralized Intelligent Agency SCAMs such as email or Twitter accounts. Central ID management is really the BIGGEST SCAM still perpetrated in the open and with tacit consent that allows a "Handler" to control individuals at their very root. Anyone foolish enough to build an organization off of one or multiple variances of Central ID as already conceded to failure and capitulation to a vampiric set of principles. There is NO way forward with any group that has given in to a Central Handler through their very Identity.


With Identity being Key to any Theoretical Organism, utilizing HIVE as a particularly stable Brand approach removes many barriers to creative constructs.

I openly welcome QUESTioning regarding my work HERE on this platform!
Please make it Productive.

Kind Regards.


HIVE Brand Bacon 2020 AnonQanoN PressX303XpresS
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