Hive is where Content is KING!

I've been inspired by many of the posts I've read recently on Hive. AI-generated posts and content aside, we have some really good creators on this platform, and a slew of experts in many fields willing to share their knowledge and expertise on the blockchain.

There's so much that I've learned since I started lurking on Steemit in 2016 (before diving in a year later), that I'm much richer for all of the information that's been shared across the thousands? of posts I've read since then.

You Never Forget your First Time...

However, I've always kept new bloggers top of mind who are where I was when I first started out years before that on Blogger. The trepidation of writing that first post, twinned with the sheer panic when I saw the first visitor on my very first post.

He was from Thailand.

I was so surprised that someone from halfway around the world - from: 'The Land of Smiles' - had somehow found my absolute piece of trash (to me) inaugural post and actually left a kind comment.

Sometimes its those little things that get you, and his kindness spurred me on and has always stayed with me. Gifts like that can be the fuel that propels you forward when starting out on a new venture, and is something I try to pay forward in return.

So if you're just starting out as a blogger and you think your first post could be better, don't. You've already had you first little victory by getting out there and sharing your voice with the world.

When I first began my journey as a blogger, I wasn't sure what I wanted my blog to be about, and often had a hard time coming up with ideas of what to write about. So I'm going to share some tips on what worked for me to help me get going and blast through any potential writers block.

My Posts Often Begin with just One Word...

That's right. See many new bloggers put so much pressure on themselves trying to imagine an entire blog post out of thin air. One trick I learned long ago was, instead of being weighed down with the mental burden of a whole post, I just start with one word.

A few days ago I couldn't think of any ideas of what to write about, and then I settled on the word "Perseverance." I had it in my mind that I would build an article around that Idea. But there have been so many events in my life that I could write about concerning that subject, but I wanted something that people could connect with, and imagine themselves in a similar situation.

It had to be true, with a little humor, some intrigue, and a satisfying finish at the end. That's when I thought about my time in US Navy boot camp, and our struggle to overcome the hurdles and run like the wind.

But it all began with ONE WORD.

So when you're writing, and you're stuck, just take a deep breath and think of a word to craft your post around. No big article, no pressure, just a word.

Say you're stuck and you're thinking "what the fuck can I blog about?" Well before you decide to copy and re-write someone elses post, or God forbid; use Chat GPT; give my tip a try.

Here's One for You

Let's do one together. Right now, at the moment I write this, its 12:35AM on the east coast of America.

And I don't know what the fuck to write about...

So let's pick a word, any word...

Say we tryyyyy "Accident."

Now I'm sure you and I can think of a time where we either witnessed an accident, or God forbid (again) were in, or almost in one.


We could start out by sharing the normal days events that led up to that singular moment. We can take the reader and put him in the vehicle, workplace, or home with us, and share any feelings of foreboding or precognition that accompanied us along the way there.

What we thought, how we felt, and how in the hell we got out of that situation.

Not only could that be a compelling account of what happened to the reader, but it could also inspire them with ways to deal with a similar situation in the future, if something like that happened to them.

see what happened there? You just created some interesting and original content exclusive to Hive; and no copying others posts or Chat GPT was needed.

So this post was built around the word: "King" because to me, Hive is the Place where Content is KING!. very single one of you is the King of your own content. We've all led rich lives and have so much to share; and Hive is the place to share it. I hope this helps you to become a better content creator on Hive! :)

If you found that this post added value or inspired you, you know what to do... :)

Please check out my recent posts:

Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4

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