Hive in 2024 is like Apple in 2004

Twenty years ago on July 6, 2004, (the first day of trading after the holiday), The stock price of Apple (AAPL) opened at $0.56, and closed at $0.47...

That's right. Three years after the opening of the first Apple Stores in May 2001, and the release of the original iPod in Oct of that same year, the company stock hadn't yet reflected the innovations that Jobs and Co. had built.

Hard to believe seeing that the current stock price is $221 and Apple is one of the most successful technology firms in the world. But if you were paying attention to the tech news back in 04' the word was still about the malaise affecting the stock, and when oh when would the market catch up with what Apple was doing.

2004 was also the year that the world learned that Steve Jobs had had "successful" cancer surgery, and would be back at the helm once he recovered with Tim Cook keeping an eye on things during his recuperation.

There were articles at the time where Steve mentions how he didn't "get" the financial press, and wasn't going to lose any sleep over the stock price.

Apple was just going to keep innovating, and sooner or later the world would have no choice but to take notice. It seemed that no matter what groundbreaking product and services the company released, it had almost no effect in boosting the stock price.

Until it did.

Damn the Torpedoes- Full Speed Ahead!

I see so many similarities between Apple and Hive. Like the Cupertino company, Hive is a hotbed of development as well as being the thought leader in its space on the blockchain.

Like Apple back then, we're also a few years removed from a bitter schism (as per Steemit), when Steve returned to help save the company from mismanagement like a Phoenix rising from the ashes.

I can still remember that out of the initial confusion, Hive emerged and was up and running very quickly. At the time, I almost wondered if there hadn't been some sort of secret skunk works project going on behind the scenes on a "just in case" basis.

Such as when Apple had Mac OS X secretly running on Intel chips years before the official switch from PowerPC chips to the Intel platform.

You know, "just in case."

Once the Steemit/Hive split occurred, it was full steam ahead for Hive devs and users, as we began creating content on the new platform. At 1 Infinite Loop they were doing the exact same thing.

People at Apple weren't wringing their hands over the AAPL price, they were getting down to business of creating a culture where 'Insanely Great' things could be done.

Below is a short presentation that a very young Steve Jobs gave in 1980:

Inspiring isn't it? It's astounding that he could see things with so much clarity, while being completely unhindered by the monumental task at hand.

My hope is that this article will help to tamp down any concern about the token price. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Just Keep Creating. Everything else will take care of itself in due time.

Rome wasn't built in a day, but was added to like the thin skins of an onion over a long period of time.

My message to the whales and others with large stakes is; you know who sells and leaves when the token price drops, it's the same type of person every time. They power down and sell off, then write an "I'M BACK!" post once the price starts going up again.

Whales, I suggest that you support those stalwarts who hang around year after year, who are down in the holds of the ship bailing water to keep "this thing of ours" going.

These are the people who continue to create content, power up, engage, and build throughout cycle after cycle with an OWNERS MINDSET as their North Star.

To me Hive is like a great ship and we're all its crew. We know who's pitching in year after year, and who's just here to TAKE what they can only when things are going well, then scatter like roaches once the lights come on. You simply can't rely on them when the storms come. Sometimes we enter rough seas, but there's a cohort ready to man the pumps and patch the sails.

They pitch in even when the token price goes down...

We know who they are... Like me, they've weathered the cycles and aren't going anywhere. So keep that North Star in mind, and plot the next course towards our destination. Together, let's build a home here on Hive that we can be proud of.

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