Goodbye for a week

Aren't these marbles beautiful?

After this article is posted I will make a week long break from Hive. Well, almost. There will be one exception. I will post my @exhaust reports. I love to run and I run daily and it would be a shame to break that streak.

Other than @exhaust reports, I won't post any posts. I wont vote, reblog, comment, nothing. I won't use my @tipu curation ability.

I won't post @actifit reports. I won't even have the app active. Sorry guys but I think it is time to show something more to your users. Things are not moving lately at all.

Why? Let's say I'll do an experiment of sorts. Will my week involve less computer time and more real world and family time? I bet it will. And I'll know the answer after a week.

Here's a resume of where I currently am at my favorite time-wasters.

Rising Star Game

Rocking along at level 25 with 45% of the level done.

Almost 1,000 fans and 36 cards. I have around 25K Starbits saved.

Holy Bread

Rank 79 in the arena with my three heroes at 247 points.


I am at level 5 with the referral points and have a nice batch of ingredients for the next brew.


I don't play Splinterlands any longer. After theit last announcement and upcoming changes I completely lost interest in the game.

Does anybody want to buy my cards? I+ll give you a 10% discount on market prices when you buy them all.

What will the situation at these games be after a week?

20 minutes after this post is published I will upvote it and close all Hive related windows. I'll come back daily for the @exhaust report and won't look at anything else!

Dear friends, have a great week. Stay true to yourself.

Better and better

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