When Will The Hive Platform Display The Number Of Views For Each Article?

When I first joined Steemit back in 2017, I noticed that I could find out the number of views I got for each article of mine. Then, much to my disappointment, they took that feature away

The Hive platform strives to do better than the Steem platform does. So, if that is the case, why won't the Hive platform add a feature in which Hivers, Hiverians, and Hivians can find out how much traffic each one of their articles is receiving?

I know what you're going to say. Our articles only earn compensation for 7 days after they are posted, and probably the people who put this platform together may view such a feature to be futile. However, it would still be nice to be able to know which articles of mine get read the most and which ones get read the least.

The number of likes I get on each article only tells me how many writers on this platform appreciate my writing. However, we have to consider that there are also people who are not members of this platform who also read these articles.

Anyhow, it's just a thought. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments section below.

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