Weekly hive powerup and pussy


A total of 374.272 HIVE has been powered up. Purchased with MXN fiat, to USDT to Hive using Binance.

I have been depositing 500MXN every weekend into crypto for the last 2 years and this last 4 weeks and onward, I will be focused on purchasing HIVE until the 52 week cycle ends. A total of 26,000MXN. Depending on the market value at each purchase the amount of HIVE will vary.

I see that the price movement of hive has shown a strong sign of a trend reversal recently. For the last 3 years it has been on a slow downward trend from 4 dollars at its high to a mere 14 cents at the lowest. And now I see higher lows and new higher highs, an increase of volume, etc. I won't get too boggled down on the technical stuff.

What am I to do with my HIVE investment?

As I noted on my IDK post that billions of people didn't read, I plan on keeping all hive that gets voted to me on the chain. Whether it's 1ist layer or 2nd later it won't matter it's not leaving the chain as all of it getting powered up one way or another.

As for my own investment, I plan on keeping 50% after 3 years. Meaning after 3 years I will power down 50% of MY invested HIVE, NOT the the HIVE voted to me from my blog posts and curated content.

Out of that initial 50%, 50% of whatever amount that would be, will be sold out to do as I please in the real world. The other 50% will go into purchasing more hive at lower prices, to accumulate more HIVE, power up and wait for the next bull run to before I start powering down 50% again.

I've also started day trading hive and other coins on Binance for the past 2 months and have accumulated good small profits. Not risking more than 1-1.5% on every trade in the 15min window. I do this for about 2 hours then when done I slip my gains into BNB and lock them in for airdrops gains etc. You know how binance does it's thing.

It's super cloudy today. Humidity is up. Which is good because I have some cannabis drying and I don't want it to dry too fast.

Meantime I have a lot of prepping to do in my backyard. It uses to be so much worse. You might not see it that way. Infact it looks like it needs to be tidied up obviously. When I first moved in, there where piles of rocks, glass and metal pieces everywhere, grass and weeds growing high as hell, the earth was uneven. It's still a bit uneven but it's getting there.


Yup ...


Lots of backbreaking work to do. But it's so close too. So close to finishing on having a decent yard.

Currently been making renovations inside the home as some of the walls have started to peak off and need of refill the walls with "YESO". I also pulled out three rooms old tiles to put new ones down. But I'm out of funds for that and we'll, need to postpone those renovations. No pictures of that. Too embarrassed to show lol.

But here is the total backyard of my property. A house and a small warehouse that is currently being rented out.

Start considering these present day pics as the "Before pictures" because when I get through with this it won't be the same. How long that will take, well it will be a while. I'm a busy person with much responsibility and I live alone so time and energy is something I must manage carefully.

That's all for now.


Here's few pussycateating taco meat.


The scared one who meows at the food but won't come in because big mama in 3 different colors over here, doesn't like it.


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