Vesting Shares


Vesting Shares in Hive Blockchain are the unit of measurement for Hive Power (HP), or Hive Staked or Power Up, reflect in Dapps like Peakd as HIVE.

That Vesting Shares or HP give you abilities on the Hive Blockchain like

  • Upvote and get curation rewards
  • Resource Credits (RC), unit to do transactions on Hive Blockchain, like post, comment, transfer Hive, upvote, etc.
  • Choose Hive Witnesses and support Proposals (DHF).
Now the funny part

Yesterday I realized on Peakd that my Hive Power was 666.029 HIVE and I think, let's make this funny and make my HP 666.666 HIVE!

For that I've Powered Up 0.637 HIVE (1177.276184 Vesting Shares)


But surprise, or not ;) I ended with 666.667 HIVE in Power Up.



Because HP is calculated in Vesting Shares, that have more decimals (6 decimals) than HIVE visible on Peakd (3 decimals).

And that's it, for moments I've tried to have 666.666 HP but Blockchain math beat me! 🤣

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