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WARNING on Hive - COMPLAINT of my recent personal events

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This is the post I announced. For those who follow me, I mentioned that I have been blacklisted from the Hivewatchers account and a group of members who seem to be powerful on the Hive platform. I have decided to publish a post to denounce this situation, hoping that others can benefit from it and avoid even being deceived by some dudes.

The story began a few days ago when I found Hivewatchers account messages under some of my posts. I logged into the Discord server he pointed to and asked about those messages. I was told that I had been blacklisted: below I add the first screenshots for those who want to better understand the situation.

Hivewatchers is an account that has a project behind it for which it receives regular income in tokens released on the Hive blockchain, it would seem mainly thanks to the payment in HBD, received after the approval of its intentions by a wide range of Hive community members; intentions made official thanks to what is defined on the platform as "PROPOSAL". The currently-in-place system allows it to obtain rewards issued by the DHF (Decentralized Hive Fund) system following the approval I mentioned above, finding and prevaricating those who are accused by it. The charges you can bring are, quoting their new proposals:

  • "Identity theft"
  • "Identity deception"
  • "Plagiarism (text, image, art)"
  • "Malicious deception"
  • "Phishing/malware links"
  • "Reward pool abuse”

a list that can change each time Hivewatchers introduce a new proposal.

As I will explain later, its prevarication is implemented in various ways, including:

  • downvote through bots directly linked to its blacklist
  • downvote through platform users who receive rewards from Hivewatcher, as demonstrated by outgoing transactions.
    I just found a few among the transactions made by the Hivewatchers account in the last few days.

But let's get to my story. For those who have dealt with Hivewatchers, you know that if you want to appeal and be removed from the blacklist, it's mandatory to follow the steps indicated by its account, but with one problem: to get out of the blacklist, you need to confirm that the charges made by Hivewatchers to you are correct, that you are completely wrong, and that, in the future, you will never do it again, and - then - continue not to do it once you leave the list. It also doesn't indicate any other possible way to find a solution, even after repeatedly asking for it.

And here the problem arises, id est the reason why I ended up on the blacklist. My case is not plagiarism towards content, but the fact that the personal policy of some members who have spoken in the chat of the Discord server (and Hivewatchers itself) has among the focuses that of considering any translation of one's post published on the platform as an absolutely worthless object, which can be: 1) published only by rejecting any kind of possibility of receiving a contribution through upvotes, or 2) not published at all.

All the solutions that have been presented to me are the ones you will find in the screenshots below (for those who want to read the whole story). The consequences that they described to me and of which I received concretely confirmation are the continuous downvoting on my posts.

Then, I tried to understand where the abuse of the pool of which they had accused me was, and tried to make it clear that 1) the abuse doesn't exist because the value of the upvotes I had received on my posts was irrelevant, and, above all, that 2) abuse doesn't exist as I'm not getting RELEVANT UPVOTES from THE SAME USERS, simply because I was reaching a different audience.

But no way: for them, the translations of a previous post published as a single post are not worth-of-value posts. You can publish them, but you cannot have a contribution/reward for the post in any way. Despite a thousand explanations, their position is that, and anyone who doesn't share it must submit or pay the consequences, which is happening now.

But let's move on to point 2, the one you need to pay attention to.

Be on the verge of the SCAM

In the last screenshot above, you can see the speech that in itself made me prick up my horns and on which I invite all the less experienced to pay attention. My ADVICE is: if certain dudes or users, such as those in the example I am describing to you, tell you to buy HIVE tokens, using any reason, ABSOLUTELY DON'T DO IT!

While he/she was explaining his/her speech, one of the most active users (and never called back by those who have the possibility) wrote me to buy more HIVE to solve the issue of imposing one's vision on others. Stop, everyone!

As I explained to them, and you can see in the screenshot below, this is a criminal game, because it is absolutely not true that by buying more HIVE you will be able to change the opinion of others about the platform.

The HIVE token, which can be purchased, is sold by those who already own the token; so, when you buy it, you will be lining the pockets of the very people who are discriminating against or blacklisting you, such as Hivewatchers and its cronies. People like them, everyone with accounts on Hive with a given amount of tokens, have interest in ensuring that whoever owns them (the category they belong to) and sells them, can earn from any buyer who, in that case, would be you. They benefit in two ways:

  1. if they are the owners of the tokens you buy, through the value you are going to send them in exchange for those tokens;
  2. indirectly, through the progressive increase that the price of the HIVE token will undergo when you go to buy it, because you will cause the tokens available on the market to run out at a lower price. When a potential holder will sell them later, he/she will benefit more than when the price was lower.

No, sirs.

Furthermore, as I said, having many HIVE tokens will not help you change the personal ideas of other users, because to be able to do this you would have to get to control the blockchain, and the system here would be much more complex. But, even in that case, as already occurred in the past in a similar event, those who control the site will be able to start another blockchain through the hard fork of the current one, with the possibility of completely excluding you from the new one. This drastic case, essentially the only feasible one, would require large sums of money on your part to reach the only conclusion of having achieved nothing, except the control of a blockchain with no future and the squandering of so much money.

So, I repeat: if, as in my case, they tell you to buy HIVE or another token to change the policy on a platform, I strongly advise you to avoid it. Not only that: any user who really follows the principles with which the Hive blockchain presented itself would abjure the mere advice of being able to manipulate the consent of others, if this is ever possible.


The phrase exchange continued, with me trying to explain my reasons and understand what was the logic of a personal policy they wanted to impose on others. I was offered a reduction of the appeal conditions to 7 days instead of 60, which however was unfeasible: as I had reiterated (and still do), my problem is this type of personal policy. So I proceeded to point out that I couldn't appeal, as to appeal I would have to, in essence, submit to their policy. And no, I find it simply their policy: they have every right not to publish a translation, to merge it, or to waive any contribution/reward; however, they don't have the right to force a user not to publish a translation, or to don't have the possibility of receiving any contributions for this. Screenshots with these threads can be seen below:

This has been followed by a long list of downvotes on my posts, done through some user accounts connected to Hivewatchers. First of all, Spaminator.


Let's summarize the key points of the disagreement:

  1. I publish a post in English in a community and on my blog on Hive.
  2. In the following days, I publish the translation of the post published in English, this time in my native language, within a community on Hive where I find people who speak my native language.
  3. For Hivewatchers and colleagues, my translation must: 1) give up any possibility of receiving contributions/rewards (by merging it with the initial post, or publishing it in another post and waiving any reward), or 2) not be published.

My answer is no, I don't agree with this policy of yours. The result?


A few days later, the forceful action by Hivewatchers and colleagues began. Downvote notifications immediately arrived, which reset the value of all the posts I had published in the previous seven days. For the uninitiated, 7 days is the period of time after which the value attributed to a post is released to its author in the form of tokens. Each subsequently implemented upvote or downvote doesn't affect (under the rules at the time this post was published) the value the author has already earned at the end of those seven days.

The result of my rejection is the exploitation of a position of strength that I don't have the power to oppose, which results in the zeroing of the value of each of my posts. This led me to immediately block the Photochain contest and turn again to the Hivewatchers Discord server.

The forceful action is mainly done through downvotes. For the uninitiated, the DOWNVOTE is a vote made by users on platforms connected to the Hive blockchain which has the power to remove (in whole or in part) the value attributed to a post by those who previously voted for that post: I have received quite a few.
To make it clear how this forceful action carried out with downvotes is comparable to a criminal act, I referred to events of the same matter applied to another area: a bakery.

“As I explain to the other people like you” - I wrote answering to a downvoter - “yours is a criminal idea. If you don't find any value in a post, you have the fundamental right to not vote. If you don't vote, the user doesn't obtain a reward based on your appreciation. The downvote you are implementing are the same thing of taking the right to steal the money that a bakery earned during the day by selling bread to those interested in bread, thus bringing the day's income to 0 (zero). And this is motivated by the fact that you don't agree that the bread that is sold is worth the price to which it is sold. But this is CRIMINAL, because bread is worth the price people who care about it are willing to pay. If you think it's not worth that value, you have the absolute right to not buy it. So, here on Hive, you can avoid voting for an author, resulting in the value of that post to you being zero. Downvote an author basing on a personal policy or thought is the same thing of steal.”


The answer to what possibilities there would be to resolve the situation has not arrived at the time of writing, and Hivewatchers is not answering the question, despite I asking it repeatedly. It continues to indicate only the means of making the appeal, which I cannot do; because, being these acts carried out on the basis of their own personal policies which I don't agree with, I cannot finish the appeal. This involves nullifying any value my posts may have, after the arrival of the downvotes group. Therefore, there are 3 points that I am now forced to implement:

  1. stop of the Photochain contest;
  2. stop of the main posting activity by me;
  3. starting downvotes on all active accounts from which I am receiving downvotes.

From now on, I will DOWNVOTE all accounts indirectly or directly connected to the activities directed against me, exploiting the little potential at my disposal. I absolutely don't have the availabilities they have, but I consider their way of operating the same thing with discrimination, without counting any financial interests directly or indirectly connected to these actions and the consequences that their actions cause.
If any of you are interested in downvoting them, or in delegating something to me to increase the power of my downvotes, you can do it to the @davidesimoncini account, or operate yourself. However, I ask you NOT TO BUY HIVE in order to downvote these gentlemen more profitably, as this would - as I explained earlier - only fill their pockets.
Furthermore, the last thing I ask is that you don't participate in this action by jeopardizing your life on the platform, if you aren't adequately prepared for the consequences. Don't engage in downvotes or other hostilities towards people who are in a position of dominance over yours, if you have any doubt. I would not be able to tell you the consequences of these decisions of yours in any way, but there is a possibility that they could exist and that they could turn out to be very serious.

The accounts included to date in my personal blacklist, as downvoting against me, are:

spaminator | galenkp | abh12345
adamada | gejzep | bestofph
azircon | traciyork | rocketboost
stresskiller | macrophotography | hive15966
suc7 | bokeh | monocat

I am very sorry for all those who have had to suffer the effects of the momentary stop of Photochain. I hope to find a possible alternative as soon as possible. In the meantime, goodbye, and I hope that reading has at least given you an insight into some people's ideas and how to keep you away from them. I will update my situation with some posts reporting on the activities described above.

Hello and see you - I hope - soon!

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