When Hive On Uniswap?

Uniswap is the top DEX.
In the recent events and the crackdown on CEXs, it has become the third, and on a few occasions the second largest exchange in all the categories, DEX and CEX.

It is just behind Binance and Coinbase. On few occasions it has surpassed Coinbase in trading volume.


CEXs are a systemic risk to the blockchain, and the fact that Hive doesn't have a lot of listings only adds to the risk.
Upbit is close to 100M HIVE holdings, or 25% of the supply and that one exhcange is a systemic risk.

For a while now there haven't been any significant listings, and the hope that Hive will get Coinbase listing now seems unlikely with the current US regulatory hostile environment for crypto. Bittrex, that was the only US exchange is now closed.

Going for DEX lisiting seems the very logical and obvious solution here, that will remove a lot of pressure. And we dont need a permission to do it.

How Can We Do This?

With multisig wallets and incentive for LPs from the DHF.

There is already a multisig proposal that is being worked on for Hive, and the multisig wallet for Ethereum is already there. A few chosen community members can custody the bridge funds.

As far as it goes for incentive from the DHF, for example a 200k HBD per year will give a 20% incentive for a 1M USD liquidity pool, for example HIVE-USDT. And this is without any fees on top of it. The pool will probably be larger than this and can easy go to 2M.

As example the DHF paid 1.8M HBD in the last year. Furthermore the HBD interest is around 1M per year. Paying out 200k HBD per year to increase the decentralization in HIVE liquidity and relax the number one risk for the chain seems worth it.


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