Inertia Deep Faked Me and I liked it!

It's been a hot second since I've posted and decided to change it up from all the homesteading and gardening to something fun. In a few discords random deepfakes were popping up depicting some of us old timers in various scenarios. @inertia was on an artistic rampage of epic proportions and I was sort of hoping I'd get to be the lucky (or unlucky) honor of getting it DEEP. I was not disappointed in the least. UPDATE, I'm crediting the internet for the deep fakes not Inertia. It's scarier that way.


My eyes are hazel/green but on point as I do like whips, I mean Lasso's of Truth!


Accurate depiction of my true essence, so uncanny valley!!!


The eyecolor and Wonky eye are off but again accurate. Who doesn't love "Married with Children"? Peg Bundy reminds me of Melania Trump, does nothing but lay around and shop and pull up historical trees and destroys sacred things because she can. So Sad


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