My experience with Hive so far

Hive has been a great Blockchain to be on. I've grown and broken outside of several barriers as a creator. I've done Podcasting, I've worked on MSpaint 'art', I have reached out to community members to play games and even created a community for a growing art form in gaming!

Hive has been good for me. I never saw the point of being on a social media platform due to all the 'clout' or veiled competitive attempts to have more 'friends' or 'likes' to show superiority. I understood why others used social media platforms, it just never appealed to me.

The Hive communities are their own aspect of special that give affection and encouragement to new members of the community that is just hard to fake on some levels. It makes joining communities a welcoming experience without any pressure.

The gaming dApps have also been a great experience! seeing the constant progress of the developers and other participants sharing their gameplay through their community posts are always a nice sight to see and exciting when they reach their goal.

Hive is definitely a unique experience that should be valued and shared, not only for the monetary aspect but for the quality of the participants utilizing the space.

Participating on Hive has opened my eyes to the aspects of Blockchain, dApps, the power of Communities, the engagement factor of commenting, and general betterment of how I view creations on any platform.

It's also made me a better creator. I cringe whenever I revisit my first postings as it was obvious I was just trying to get as much attention to myself. Participating on Hive has also taught me that other participants can tell when a Creator is authentic with their post.

Being on Hive has been an improvement on my life and I am thankful that it exists as a place for Creators.

I haven't participated on Hive in awhile but it's not because I am purposefully ignoring Hive, I just felt like I've had no reason to post or comment. I would prefer to add quality or value to my or others creations rather than clutter the space with, what I think, are pointless posts or input.

That's it for now. Thank you for reading!

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