Mind of a so called psychosis, schizophrenia, criminal mind, psycho, or just a lab rat for government experiments or few cult cunts group or few others i don't know

Cautions: Everything I say is used against me, on me without context because of some hypocrisy and stupidity, and for some, there is no cure for stupidity, by ridiculing by hiring few cheap actors and producing cheap content which is so fucking outdated ideas of your gang's pathetic creatures use that resource to teach something well, no matter how much manipulating by producing content against good intentions will fail in a long run if it was stupid and senseless it might have not to be bothered to even understand for long what I am saying it may be useful/sensible/irrelevant /timepass/stupidity/threat whatever however what so ever it's not up to me what I am thinking and saying, I also hate at times why the flow of thoughts don't stop till I say it, its fucking retraded to keep getting thoughts for constantly 24hr and spoil my sleep also. I am trying it for entire species including earth so there is nothing I am trying to harm or destroy something which is very beautiful, I am just confused how come so many fuckups still exists in our societies and nature it's not only humanity has flaws nature also has its flaws, after all, we are the products of nature so as one of the humans on earth I have some ideas, perceptions, perspective about things so I am saying or writing for few other reasons bored nothing less to do cant stop writing so on . Simple logic I don't even have followers or like trips so I should be bothered about those nor I have ever monetized my content, nor I have ever go to a conversation in public, But yes part of me is kind of feels there are many who are reading but again I have felt those kinds of things from a very young age, first it was gods from my religion which was Christianity, after my dad's death it kind of become my dad and final government, unknown groups, alien, creators, devil, god and earth/nature so on that someone watching over feeling is always there, in this kind of brain few stupid funny humans taking advantage of it.
when I prayed to my dad the response to my prayers was faster compared to my previous belief and it was the same as asking him the same way how I use to ask him when he was alive nothing much changed except he was not psychically there but mentally i have spoken to my father or someone who is alive, how and why I started to believe in my dead father then gods? in Christianity, there is a day called all souls day that day we use to go to the grave to offer the dead so I started to pray to my dad then it worked it was talking to him instead of Jesus who was also not there physically given an option as a kid guess many will choose to talk to their died parents than some unknown unseen gods, still I had belief in Christian gods also but there were also in photos and I have never met them or experienced them only seeing some humans acting to have the power of Christ and conning ppl so as I was growing up as I was trying to understand the earth and surroundings, I understood the human belief system is still not understood fully or the way understood is wrong, there is definitely something happens when you believe in something wholeheartedly and give your full energy and body soul mind it happens. unfortunately, there is nothing on earth for which I should give my all at this age after understanding the shit abt humanity, however except a few of my opposite sex for whom I feel like I should give them so much happiness make them feel special but to do that, again I should go through the same lifestyle behave like how we are told to live. so I got no agenda nor I am anywhere close to any of the getting attracted to the bling or some achieve something with this I have no interest in most of the materialist things except a few which is really essential and few just for experience sake. so the point is all I want is which is better for the earth and its species to thrive and reduce the fuck up which is been created by us and we are not acknowledging it, ignoring it, and living a fake life with fake ideology only because so much misinformation and for what, same shit to make money, contacts so on the list goes. not everything I say will be thought only by me, it's all collective information that I came across over my lifetime and experiences. no one can be created new ideas and thought every second-most of the ideas and thoughts evolve over time according to necessity. and we have answers to most of the problems but we still not able to execute them because of a few ppl and rules we have made.
Now are in the future if humanity is still fighting for small things like other countries' land or religions we should not call ourselves civilized beings on earth. We should not do the same mistake that our older generations did by killing each other, destroying another culture or information nothing will solve, not supporting wars is the first thing as a human we should learn almost problems in the societies are because these war game still exists in our societies and many are getting super-rich and power full because of these reason in the name of war and safety for humans are going crazy fucking saddest species in the solar system always bloodthirsty. and few will always take advantage of many in these kinds of scenarios so we should eliminate these kinds of unwanted issues one by one, how? It can only happen if those war leaders can understand what I am saying. we cannot change anything much because we don't have the resources or the tools and power to change since its internet age future ppl will not even gather for parties if same goes on, fighting for a cause as protesters we should forget completely, now at least once a while some can do it still we cannot do it for long all we can do it only virtually so the ones in power will do it physically use all the tools, resources and rest all compromise and live life like we are told. few things are good left naturally.
For Government and few agencies, if we speak against them they see us as their enemy so they have kept us away from their gates and do anything to stop them or avoid them, the thing is government and single-minded hardly get to workgroups should understand by following your own rules you are all making your life to live in a stupid way and forcing us also to live in that way and whole earth experience is taken by only 1% of the population does it make any fucking sense, if one common man becomes a millionaire in these agencies they will rule the country there will no one to stop their idiocrisy, not a businessman or president can stop and according to that guy controlling and corruption is the only option left to maintain the country so he will continue to do same and humans are so fucking dumb at times if they believe in something for long they will fight for it till death no matter how stupid there belief is. For a change, if the government and these agencies can see ppl with a difference as their own species every can work out something and make beautiful cities or countries where nature and humans thrive in good ways.

The mood is another major issue for problems, sometimes when I am angry and write a lot of bold decisions I can make/take but a lot of wrong short-term decisions too, so sometimes some words mean nothing just expressing emotions in the form of words.

I keep referring to they, them, I have no fucking idea who they are, it can be some group from government, businessman, politician, secret operative groups and they may be everywhere whoever has the power to create rules or change it according to others. if I become president, I won't know who they are, who got the full access to humanity and earth but for sure they are there wherever, whoever. I have nothing personal against them it's just when you evaluate the current human societies model and rules and regulations it all points to the same direction, when I was looking for the source of humanity, religion, ancient knowledge everything was pointing towards Hinduism it made more sense since I was born Christian which has so much more glamour, futuristic modern religion, most popular religion in the world and benefits I never even realized for 30 yrs I believed in a religion which was created by few humans according to their convenience and benefits. same as the rules and regulations of our societies, same kinds of tactics by inducing fear, paranoia, false narrations, blaming others, keep them guilty, all mystical confusing shit and if they ask a question you will be called in every possible shity names discouraged or ridicule them. the final goal we should agree to them blindly without questions. and all this happens from a young age first teach and force them to follow and learn half-knowledge, fake knowledge and expect them to follow without a doubt if they do they won't belong to the society. and it was done by people whom we call family and friends and somehow if your famous done every one around you and surrounding will also treat and act same. what kind of shit are we creating.

So my mind/brain is being called so many different names that it's sick some issues, whatever according to their cheap shity brain they come up with some medical name or societies outcast names to make them feel and looks bad in front of others, not all very few and that's all they need to do to make you feel the whole world is full of shitheads.
So how a normal guy/brain who was like a happy-go-lucky turned into some psycho, schizophrenia, anger issues, depression, dangerous few more or whatever some low-level brains name me or tried to make me and succeeded some percent of it.

All the above sicknesses are so easy to make any human schizophrenic or depressed all you need is few chemicals and a small group of ppl. according to me that's exactly how our societies/population is, it may not be 24hrs but it happens when your alone check the meaning of schizophrenia (breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation) which adult doesn't feel like, the intensity may differ from targeted the individual.

Storytime, small groups go on a mission, Mission is to make a person schizophrenia, criminal mind, psycho, in the team, there is a team leader, and 40 team member but only 4 or 5 team member who are better than the 40 and main lead and trump card for them is a girl or women. somehow they befriend the target know every detail about him and spreading in his family and friends slowly take over his family and friends only by playing criminal psychology games they isolate him and start to give me some chemicals and like some psychoactive drugs which are in abundance in our drug stores but only with power and money can get legally to do unlawful inhumanity experiments, so who will doubt when your friend or a girlfriend give you some drugs and says let's have fun or whatever the catchphrase is to make him join them and get addict once they hook him up with something they will use that addiction to manipulate them, it can be anything it can be sex, chemicals, sugar, or love dependency is name of the game we should become so addicted to them we only should be in contact with them and few cases they will make you do some crime or fix you with some criminal activities, just for some leverage in case nothing works they will use that against you, maximum with a year or few months all this can be achieved if the group has full power and finance if its backed by public funds then its fullon on the lose, how they create schizophrenia by now that chemicals might have made your brain vulnerable to any kinds of idea it opens up your brain for more ideas so this group keep putting ideas that will be so silly you wont even know it all manipulations like they will never tell you directly they will talk to each other when your semi awake about things related to you they ask other team members to stare at you, you wont even know they are also belong to same member who is staing at you like a retarded fck without context, and they will influence your regular shops you go, all they have to do is to go to shop you go to buy cigitrs or day to day stuff shopping and tell the owner some key words or some false narration about you, imagine when you go to new place and few guys go there and tell the shop owner that you dangarouse or mad or criminal so be careful or treat them in certain ways which is in their techniques. and god bless you if you have a girlfriend from their team the work will become 50% more easy and effective to fuck his brains and make him believe anything, all she will be doing is putting all negative ideas and thought or to make your schizophrenia or mad or evil person is constantly tell them that you mad, the evil you're manipulating she will also not tell indirect ways she will tell same things daily in times movements you won't even realize she is doing that or saying words which will fucking your brain. like your loser, your criminal without even valid reasons she will make sure to keep creating issues, and if your genuine guy who loves her and keep trying to work out your relationship but she makes sure that there is always some or other blames to create a shity life and you should always be disturbed and become desperate for love, sex, affection most of your good emotions will slowly die and you will be filled with bad emotions they way you respected women might have changed their are chance you will hate humans itself, honestly women have crazy power when it comes to make or break a man especially if it's in the name of love men and some boys literally die because of girls when i was growing up I use to see so many boys getting their life getting fucked in the name of love with girls and girls does not even care what happens to the boys it was so easy for a girl to fuckup boys life. but i was lucky i did not get a girl like that but there will always be some fucks so I decided at a young age itself if I break up or a girl cheats me I will not sit and cry or cut myself or kill myself and carry on with life has it takes so i was saved many times only because i saw and understood just because its women or girl does not mean they are pure and good they are equally cruel, bloodthirsty spinless even more dangerous because of their looks and shapes and innocent looks no one will believe that's kind of species capable of such cruel deeds, not all men are bad nor not all women are bad it always few who will be bad to you or good to you so these girls when given them validation and power and authority they will keep their heart on locker goes total heartless and follow the given rules blindly rarely they will use their brain and heart to understand but that will also not last long. how to have all positive thoughts when you sense there is something wrong. with the internet trace what can I know about a person, my generations use the internet to watch only porn and if I use the internet only to watch porn when I am single and do social service or fight our country and come back watch porn and buy some sex toys to make my sex life better if I do that for 20yrs what kind of data will be given by internet about my characters sex addict? so the authority will fuck my life irreverent of what I do for humanity in real will someone should be punished for watching porn? and no real crime happening so catch ppl who even think about it. and if we speak against it we will be fckd again.
its not only your girl or friends it your family too within a year they might have brainwashed so much your family will act and behave like them by force or manipulations even your mom will use the same keywords or same talking patterns and your family sister brother will do the same, and if you want to go do something professionally they will fuck up that also, where ever you go they will make you work in most difficult ways or make your work harder create more difficult and fake atmospheres by now the targeted guys should be in the state of mind where he is lost trust and hope in humanity and goes and do whatever these groups make them do or act according to them. no matter what, they can make him be a puppet businessman, artist, politicians if they can't control them they will make them dangerous or psycho, schizophrenic, or some mass murder I don't understand how only in some developed nations are having these mass murdering in school and in public, and its all happened in recent times and the same kind of pattern like some is gave them nanotech in there and fucks their brains so much and give a necessary tool to pick up others life and his life. Someone like me could be understood the ongoing process to understand so much it took so many years there will be so many ppl who might have done small or crimes which is different or against them, they live is equally fucked up than some mentally challenged ppl no difference both will live a same kind of life, hope they are not doing to ppl who are just thinking in their heads about something bad and go to them and teach them ways and provide tools to came it come true and catch them and act like we are the protesters of the societies we reforming the societies check out how we are fighting against the crime we need more tax or finance for our protection groups and take money from businessman and use that money to deposit 50% IN their bank accounts or what they do with that money shitheads techniques ways to make money. nothing with good intent it shows in their cheap techniques and ways to change someone will they do the same to their own kids if they are ready to do same with their own kids there are most dangerous ones on earth or for humanity.

How in the world someone who is going through shit mind fuck experiments is expected to become normal and behave well to ppl who are talking and acting like them, when constantly from years the same kind of stimulation is happening there is be some misfunctioning no matter who it is if god/creator were also get caught in these kinds of mind fuck experiments.

How in fucking world these kinds of negative techniques will bring any positive effect except making a puppet a dead soul with the body and mind-controlled by some low-level shitheads whose brain or knowledge is equal to the monkey, nothing to insult the monkey but the same kind in evolution tree of brains.

how and why should a brain which is done things always with good intent in the worst situations, circumstances, and badest humans still always did good and tried to do things in the most efficient and evolved ways with good intent become dangerous I don't understand. I did not kill anyone or fucked with innocent ppl all I did was a couple of so-called crime that was criminal in side government and one accident and stupidity for which i went to jail paid my debt to earth in the terms of right and wrong I have always done right in the wrongs also and sometimes i got carried away because of alcohol and boy gang fought with some boys. which all were when I was young following societies ways to survive after i got self-educated i did that when I become an adult so most of my education was what is necessary for humanity or as a man so I know for sure the education and knowledge I will not get it from most popular or best institute can teach me that,t and some knowledge i don't even understand how it happened and if i was wrongdoing anything to hurt some or cheat someone i can understand for they shitheads are doing something good and listen to them and respect them as an intelligent human but these semi knowledge being teaching me to shit way to be alive or survive or to get live a peaceful or respectful life.

These groups expecting me to be in control or to control me, what fuck is with that am I a lion ran out of the zoo who was in captive for life all of sudden one day break the cage ran out, No idiots your boss and financier all should be controlled I am no way close to running wild or I am planning to run like a wild animal like you all, I am probably the most evolved and civilized man you dumb brains will ever come across you know why i understood your shit ideas and still understand that's not your fault its how u survived whole life so you will same hard to change ppl like and all thanks to you all who made me abuse and treat shity ppl like shit a few years back I hardly use to speak abusive words or disrespect few women I still don't disrespect all the women only the ones who act and talk like them. that time few shithead and using young guys to talk shit calling me to name you pathetic creatures what is your brain should have made off.
For someone like me all, they were supposed to do was tell and explain things in a good way and give me options according to my knowledge instead of so much time and money waste just to show your public how great you and your techniques are you all are fucking up every sector.

it's so fucking irritating and I get so fucking angry you guys don't leave artists also without art there is no fucking culture or any perspective about a culture no matter how bad, good, or ugly, it should be as real and original, and it the way societies/humanity evolves through art we can some weird theories and ideas which has an ability to transform the humanity for good. in that's also full control and you guys have your own teams instead entertainment industry is crazy and so fucking scary that's all you guy have all the resource and money and talented ppl and few brains washed puppets to create content like the way you guys wants and prove anything to anyone create any agenda or illusions through mainstream entertainment and media you guys are fucking up entire world and you guys won't even realize who stupid it is to make generations to live an illusional life what is the point what is the end goal do you even have any valid goal in life why you creating so much stupid fake agendas, senseless civilization.
when will a few semi-rich or on the verge of becoming rich stop being a salve to money and ppl who are fucking up humanity? only guys like say no to these groups for their inhuman practices. and families should throw out these kinds of groups if they enter your house and friends try whatever makes sense if you are real friends no matter what few so-called friends will always try to fuck you from behind so the honest and intelligent ones understand what's happening just try to do the right thing which may not be right according to rules but as a human, you know what's right if in doubt do proper research evaluate the situation not only at that point but whole situations how and why it happened, what only government or few leaders are adults has an adult why can't I think what's right or wrong and how should I be controlled.

I can't even expect ppl in my country to even understand 50% of what I am saying nor the whole of humanity to understand because many are busy living their life like in the movie MIB tom lee open a locker and those creatures are lost in a trance watching human tech like that our societies have become and will become if we leave it.
and our countries public are awfully innocent and believe in the system like god final words they will even kill me if the authority says, for now, they are using the public to do things what I am saying against them to make feel like psychopath soon they will prove anything and still, 40% does not have access to the internet or have adequate knowledge to understand the whole subject of human societies and ways it's using to survive, few may understand religion history any mainstream topics and as soon I talk about sex biology or outer space they will consider me an idiot or dangerous make my life even harder I literally have to work hard to even get stuff for which I pay or go through some or other useless drama in this situation I can't even think to even tell them anything.
most of the adults have the IQ of the teen from developing countries so the developing countries old mind fuck banned technologies are used on adults once a while adult like me get caught in btw humanity and technologies in dumb hands they realize how stupid they are, and few are so pathetic feels like my balls will have more neural connections than these dumb ass licking fucks who have the capacity only to do certain things or think on their own these groups use ppl like them to teach me or make fun of me and expect me to react to them in a nice way if I do other oh he is dangerous we need to control him lets use few other dumb ppl who are with him to control him and I will be called different mental terms. how funny and hypocrite some of humanity is.

One simple logic how and why are our soldiers are other counties terrorist or enemy and how is that their public and our lives are the same and we all feel the same that war is not necessary or no freedom no democracy what ever complaints we have and some other gods are considered as the devil it's with gods also their god is our evil, our god is their evil in some religion especially my born religion which thought me to talk shit and not belive other gods I did not even get a chance to understand because I was busy making fun of them as an adult I checked that religion and that's more profound and real if i explain ppl who are in modern, glamour and most popular religion in the world will the be ready to listen with their pity brains like mine was lucky somethings changed me.
ppl with half knowledge and simi rich are always a problem for a change.

the ones who are made a decent living life without problems and some silver spooners who think I am just completing or talking shit being arrogant disrespectfully whatever shity compelling about me or expecting me to go out and go through some much shit do something in life and better my life live a decent life i also feel that once a while but that not my goal nor I have one particular goal which i have to pursue and what i have done in my 24yrs in that -10yrs for 14yrs what i did 80% of the populations won be able to do it simply because they don't have enough balls and brains and i work hard so hard probably from age 10 from school time I am working hard starting from upholstery, electronics, car service, selling toys to retail to gangster shit criminal shit hotel industry fought against injustices and final artist some of the art-related too so don't fucking tell me I should be hardworking and go ask ppl who will pretend and lie to my face and few years il touch 40 if no one kills me, if you can expect you grand father or some brain which is evolved then others you cant expect them to act and behave according to others if i start doing all that my life will also become senseless.
all i want is what is natural in nature whatever is created equally for everyone in earth i have no interest in what humans have created except a few tools that are also to create next-level cities or countries in graphical form but that also i have to go through a lot of shit so instead of trying to live with whatever I have and the options i have I am trying to utilize to be alive for many years i was ready suicide anytime but when i understood these mind-fuck gangs i doubt was that my thoughts and still i have no interest like others in life or say for life i am still ready to die any given day the fact I am ready to be killed by a bunch of public I know it will be painful which i have real-time experiences when i was a teen bunch of loser faggots men's 10 to 15 guys tried to kill me in public i was bitten to almost death somehow got saved or woke up again in some other version of same stimulation dont but i know how crazy and dangerous some ideas can be and if beasuse of it a civilization can change why the fuck wont i take a risk to talk against some of the most powerful groups who got all the power and technologies to do anything to any one, i guess they also are understanding what iam saying hope they understand its about them or me its about US and more then US we humans may be better then other species on earth but not the only energy which is power full nature power is ultimate cant even compare it we may control some of it but earth and nature more intelligent and powerful.
So i don't know long i have to go through shit because of other insecurity or shity ways to fix issues the experiments or will be called in different name by some or few dumb fucks i care a fuck i don't even have any motive to cheat manipulate or destroy some beautiful if i get nice girl iam good if that also fucking problem for dumb fuck il consider this fuck have shit in their head expect my faith as it is but don't try to control some who has good intent it will backfire one day, now we public are hopelessly divided and delusional helpless if we do protest also law does not change till few hundreds die so near future will be scary only ppl will fight on the internet, I am like that now itself if the government kills Snowden or rob nor to get the justice I can't do anything psychically or change the authority over time all i can do is make a post and remove my anger in the post so i am aware of that truth also if something happens no one can do anything much but to watch unfortunately that's how it is but dont stop keeping the idea alive there will be lot coming and going but what continues should continue for good reasons.

saying by me

The day we can separate dark and light from creations is the day we should fight against it.

Light and dark energies the source of creations are creating the universe and life and some of its creation in the lowest form is separating and fighting against it, if its not signs of stupidity what it is can any some so-called dark emotions like anger, lust, few others from human and expect them to work properly? or from nature can we remove sun or fire just because it was the product of dark energy and expect nature to work fine? or if we take chilly out of spicy curry will it taste good? stop creating difference btw creators also we dumb humans when will we overcome all this bullshit of evil and god instead make nature as god prays to earth, sun moon, wind, water, and fire some dicks and pussies its totally up to the US not by force or manipulation but with free will show me religion or cult or a society or company which is like that il expect I am wrong and will never abuse like you grandfathers did when they saw you doing some stupid things stupid fucks iam the problem it seems. take even more movie content that shows how evil, psycho, schizophrenic I am. signs of intelligent civilizations. recently I commented on guys post thinking he is kind of genuine claim to be a demigod so i advised him something which I felt was wrong to do or say something like that in his position if he says what he claims to be, his reaction will different but our man who is the guru for rich and famous is posting a video with a title buddha changed a murderer into sage as if I was a murderer killing people and these kinds of jokes will think me as competition act like school kids I blame you u blame me more. this kind of fake religious leader who claim to have power from Jesus like Binnie hill what ever that joke is who conning huge public in the name of gods should be punished those are really kind of issues to the societies to become delusional and another joke Nithya Nanda who fucking dresses like shiva claim to shiva fucking hilliourios stand up comedians claiming to be shiva some of these jokes have become popular and fucking the innocent ppl he claims dresses like shiva imagine the state of mind of his and his followers if these kinds of jokes don't have money and popularity no one will spit at them also. if that guy meets me in person outside his comfort zone somewhere in a remote place alone with me if i sneeze loud he will piss in his pants and agree who he really is. I can give better wisdom and guides to ppl than these jokes and i have experience with nature which these jokes will never have in their life times experience like that let be life or death or experience and understanding about nature. In our country lot of joke is there all you have to is byheart mug up some Vedas and scripts and starts to claim guru and enlighten beings and few smart guys will become rich and successful guru just like any other luxury product wisdom also will be given by luxuries guru, for middle-class guys like Nithyananda it seems little the class goes high for rich and famous other gurujis what the fuck humans where is the common sense. no gods or creators will be interested with human-made things when gods and creators have better things why could they care for humanly things or luxuries, if these guys claim themselves as philosophers or intelligent men advise ppl i have no issues but proving to be gods or passing power of gods is stupidity.
from saying to the whole chapter it became.

so next i think il be blahging about stimulations theory got some crazy evidence which is very common in nature so it may not sound exciting since its a common knowledge we may not even give fuck anyways iam kind of sure this is bioelectronic or digital earth or universe. need more inputs to my brain to make of it.

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