A web2 presence for Hive and InLeo | Join us today!

Hey everyone! Today is going to be a good day for Hive in terms of presence on X Spaces!

First, I'm going to join a conversation regarding the role of NFTs and DAOs in SocialFi. This space is hosted by DappRaddar and I will leverage the forum to plug in Hive and InLeo into the conversation in an organic way.

The attendees for this Space are prominent and have a big follower base, so we are expecting a big audience! @peakd is also going to join us in the conversation, so make sure to tune in at 3pm UTC.

Here's the link to DAO Dialogues Space

Then, right after the first one ends, I'm going to attend the Shill & Grill spaces to pitch InLeo to the audience!

This space is hosted by NFT influencers voices of opinion with a mid-sized follower base, and usually have an audience of around 150 people with hundreds listening to the recording afterwards.

Here's the link to the Shill and Grill Space

Don't forget to set a reminder for both, and if you find the time make sure to tune in!

The X algorithm pushes spaces to other users when there's a lot of reminders set and a big live audience, so just by tuning in you will be helping Hive and InLeo.

See you in a few hours!

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