I think HIVE could be easily compromised #hacked . Advise me!

This HIVE account is just an identical twin of STEEM , right?
As a novice to be here, correct me if I misunderstood something.

Before entering this hive.blog for the first time, I had to log in to my old steemit.com to check if my old ID & passwords were working there.

As usual, my browser auto-filled the ID & password so log-in to STEEM seemed fine but STEEM site warned that I'm using the "Private Owner Key" & advised me to use "Private Posting Key". The site also gave a link to download my KEYs in pdf, so I downloaded it.


Then I logged into HIVE using my "Private Posting Key" (by now I knew to use just posting key) & ID of steemit account, it's okay.

But something lingering in my thoughts about those keys & twinned accounts:

All those keys can be leaked from

  1. steemit site (we all are lack of trust to it, that's why we're here)
  2. my browser (I usually stored my unimportant ID & passwords in my browser)
  3. downloaded pdf file (this one is a bit easy to get leaked as it's sitting in my documents).

Can you guys & girls pleassssse advise me how to better improve to protect my account here? Any 2FA, hardware device etc... available ?

Thanks in advance.

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