Where to from here?

I have always had goals in my time here on hive and one of my most sought after achivement hbas been to have one of my posts in the All Trending page of hive.blog and I was surprised to see one of them finally made it to the All posts feed. There has not been a time where I have not sought this for a very long time. I am not sure if five years is a long time but for a platform and my existence here the time it took to have one has been a long time coming.

I am not sure what it is that has made my post get to where it is but I am thankful that I have received a warm reception for my post. I took two days to write it up which is not normal for me since I believe my typing speed is fast or at least over average speed so writing up posts that come to me with ease, its a flex I know but sometimes I have to give myself a boost in ego.

I walk quietly with a big stick.

Meaning I don't shout out loud willy nilly unless the room is already filled with people I have grown to be comfortable with. The voice is loud coming from my mouth naturally. There is no need for me to raise it consciously, it just happens. Probably because I am obsessed with lung exercises since I was a wee kid no older than 12 years old. At the top of my lungs I would strut around at home where my family can hear me from miles away. It is not so strangers can hear me but more to do with my carefree nature within the confines of my home or a place I am comfortable with.

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I do find though my thoughts always stray from any plans I have when I start writing anything. Even in Uni my essays tend to go on a tangent, with some sort of overarching theme that I have to consciously bring out in the end since I don't like rewriting anything I have put pen to paper. In fact of the countless essays I submitted only proof reading them and correcting spelling I do no drafts that become a work in progress so the post achieving the impossible, I thought it was impossible since the platform has so many good writers that I don't religiously read... Ok maybe some I do read from select people.

I tend to keep my opinions of their writings to myself, most times. Then the odd occasion I would respond to the posts that sing some sort of truth or some sort of fallacy in my opinion I disagree with.

So it was a bi surprise for me to see I had achieve this impossibility. Now my OCD brain is left analysing what the formula is contained within that said post. In fact I did not even realise its presence with the All post feed as I trawled through the feed in the last 24 hours, I had glimpsed it and jut thought I was looking at my personal profile feed.

Pleasantly surprised and very much thankful it had run its course to reach its place.

Now where to from here? Well I really don't know since I am busy analysing and just trying to study the result while writing this post that you're reading now. The main thing though is a post of mine made it into the coveted feed. This is coming from someone who thought it impossible. I can even argue I am now less motivated to write something in case I again do not achieve anything other than a meagre showing, beggars can't be choosers so I am also thankful I got it in the first place.

Now where to? Well I will just post what I normally do and not change anything since after all it is the experience for me that really draws me into posting things here and the chance to get better at writing something about anything.

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