Call to arms for all Projects, Communities, Developers and Hivians!

Hive Onboarding event

Good morning Hivians! Today I come to you with an idea, I'm hoping to get the backing of some, if not all projects here on Hive. Probably be a relatively long read, so will do a TL;DR at the bottom! I thank you in advance for giving this a read and look forward to hearing your opinions.

This is something that has been discussed between a few project owners/devs in recent days. Following the success of some projects utilising Zealy ( - Leo Finance, Woo and Slothbuzz to name a few. It was suggested that we make a Zealy for Hive as a whole. To onboard new users from web2 and get them Hiving!

What is Zealy?

Zealy is a 'gamified' task platform, formerly called crew3. This allows us to set tasks to users, things as simple as following on Twitter, or signing up for a Hiver account. You earn points for a leaderboard. That's the simplest form.

Call to arms

We all know the potential of Hive, whether we're project owners, Devs, or just users. We'd all like to continue to grow Hive and make it the biggest and best place on web3 for people, however, we still seem to be lacking the overall marketing that's required to create a real buzz.

It was suggested that we combine forces, bring the best of Hive to one place and make the onboarding process as easy as possible. So I come to you, with the idea. Why not make a Zealy for Hive? Not for a project, not for a game, but for Hive as a whole.

Utilise the power of Hive and the users to spread the word and onboard new users.

The basics

We've all been doing our own marketing/onboarding within our projects, we all have a reach to certain people/niches, but there's not much universal push! We can keep things as simple as possible, with a few projects coming together and utilising Zealy. (This is something I plan to do regardless of how this proposal goes). Or we can look bigger, with the majority of projects coming together and sponsoring events, creating a real buzz around the onboarding process.

Hive funding Proposal possibilities?

We could even look at gaining funding from Hive itself, with a DHF proposal.

I know we have some marketing budget there, so why not utilise it? I know there are going to be challenges, but with the right mindset and a good push from all communities, we could make a real impact and onboard more users.

Utilise Zealy/existing platforms or Make a Hive version?

We could even make a web3 'Zealy' on Hive, or just make a community, add a token, and get people earning for doing tasks! Either as an official 'platform' or simply by utilising the existing set-up of Hive with a community page/outpost and a new token.


Will this be an 'easy' process? Yes, and no! There's going to be a fair amount of work in running such events. Probably a lot of disagreement about the 'best' course of action. Or even just squabbles between communities/projects.

Hence the funding aspect could be beneficial, allowing some users to get paid for helping run it. I know most of us project owners are busy trying to run our own communities and develop our own products.

I'm willing to spend time pushing Hive as a whole, it brings more benefit to all of us in the long run. Ideally, we can come up with a small team to help manage tasks/reviews and ensure our messages are being spread far and wide.

Hive has what we need

We have the possibility to utilise already existing communities to further push Hive. We can use the Hive learners / OCD / Newbie initiatives to make the learning process of Hive as easy and smooth as possible for new users.

We can utilise short-form content through Dbuzz and Leo Threads, and long-form content through any number of different communities/platforms.

We can incentives people to spread the message to web2 (Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, Instagram) in a similar fashion to Posh and Gosh, rewarding users for participation via the Zealy leaderboard.

We can help push community events/weekly challenges to create a bigger buzz on Hive as a whole!

More discussion is required!

Now, that's the basics...of course, there's a lot more that needs to be discussed! I can imagine a few people might read this and be excited, a lot more will be sceptical.

'It'll never work', 'We've tried before, 'He's just out for himself'.

Let me know your issues, thoughts/opinions. Heck steal the idea and run with it yourself. Of course, I want to push my project, but, it would be far more beneficial for me (US) to push Hive as a whole.

I'm only one sloth, I can't do it alone. I don't have unlimited time to work for free on such a campaign, nor does anyone else. Hence efforts like this often fail to get off the ground. But for the benefit of Hive as a whole, I believe we could have the chance to really start making some waves. I'm just a small sloth on Hive, I don't have much power or sway. I'm relying on other people to get on board and back such an effort.

Discord to discuss/plan

I've created a discord 'Hive onboarders' You can join here: (Aimed more at community leads/owners/devs/whales looking to benefit Hive as a whole! This channel has no affiliation to any one project, nor will it. Trying to gauge interest)

In conclusion

I'm going to put this idea out there, and hope some Devs/communities join, then we can decide if this is something worth pursuing. Failing that I'll continue to run my own Zealy campaigns. I've had some interest from a few communities so will be holding a small collaborative event regardless. I'd really like to see this idea being pushed further, with more of Hive coming together for the long-term benefit of Hive as a whole.

Please let me know your thoughts!


  • Onboarding event for Hive
  • Sponsored by any and all communities/devs/Hive DHF
  • Campaign through Zealy (Quests like - Sign up for Hive!/follow on Twitter/Discord/make a post/video/image etc) And any other relevant platforms.
  • Put forward a DHF proposal to maximise the effect
  • Combination of any/all Hive projects/devs/communities
  • Aimed purely at onboarding users to Hive and helping them learn how to Hive.
    -No affiliation to any one project, open to utilising all the tools Hive has to offer!
  • Discord link for further discussion:

Please share this with any community/discord/person that may be interested, drop their tag in the comments or share the post with them. Let's see if we can push Hive in general and make it better for everyone!

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