

Greetings to my amazing Home Tutors and Educators. I've missed the bubbling learning spirit and techniques shared here. My device made visiting here a challenge but I recently got a new device so I thought it won't be a bad idea to resume my blogging and writing activity while learning from others simultaneously.

I'll love to share something interesting that happened in my neighborhood. This is a clear proof that Homeschooling is a very essential/vital part that every parent or guardian must not ignore.

I had this lesson with a five year old kid and his name is Jack. Jack recently got introduced to addition of one digit numbers and I noticed he was finding it somewhat problematic so I offered to home-school him.

I had noticed that Jack never forgets pictures or videos he watches and that pictures stick in the mind faster than words. I knew that to arouse his interest, going a bit digital with him won't be a bad idea so I had to use my smartphone as lla Learning kit.

I had to go download the MediBang App on the playstore and we began drawing and learning simultaneously. When we started out on the lesson, Jack specifically requested to draw himself and I obliged.

We first drew a circle representing his face, his eyes,nose and mouth. At that point I noticed how happy and interested he got in the lesson and for me this was a positive sign that he would understand the lesson.

Next he added his ears and his head. He equally added his two arms and two legs. His percent wondered if I'll be able to achieve the purpose of doing all of this but with the joy Jack exuded, they had no need to panic.

Jack added colour to his hair and nose and voilà the art was completed.

Are this point,I had to draw his attention to the thrust of what we have at hand. Thus, I used a stroke and a box to show him how to solve addition of single numbers.


We counted and added together and we saw that 3+2=5.

Jack was given numbers to add up and he didn't fail any. He kept using the App and at the end of the day he replicated same to his book. His parents were thankful and I felt fulfilled.

We can make learning interesting and exciting for our kids. This has been one of the many ways that I carry out teaching seamlessly and still achieve the purpose of teaching which is helping the young mind open up and assimilate the more.

I enjoyed this session with little Jack and I love that his parents supported him through it all.

I'm so big on intentional parenting and would always say that sometimes we need to see from the child's angle of learning must be achieved.

A little flexibility won't be bad🤷

I'm @udygold
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