Sometimes, You Just Got To Jump


My youngest daughter is pretty fearless. I'm used to her climbing up the back of the truck and up into the Olive trees around the land. That's just normal behaviour for her. It's not until someone else comes to visit and points out, how rare it has become to see kids be like that,especially outside of where I live.


Don't get me wrong, you will find wild kids everywhere, just not necessarily much of them. Alot of children, tend to be raised tame these days. With parents passing their fear onto their children and believing that well behaved kids, need to be docile.


I can tell you that there is nothing docile about my girls. They are full of life. My youngest, is a powerhouse. She is Always up for an adventure. Always creating her own.


Most days now we go for a walk and the dry riverbed, is a favourite of ours to walk. It's so beautiful and peaceful there and smso the perfect place to just let your imagination run wild.


As well as climbing and freewheeling in her bicycle, my youngest loves to jump, which you can not doubt tell from the photos I have included in this post. Every time we take this walk, it is a different experience snd today it was all about jumping.


I was even doing some jumping myself, I mean how could I not, she made it look so easy and fun. And it was. I love being with my kids and getting to embrace my inner child. Being playful and just surrounding to the moment. To me that is what life is all about. We really have to stop taking life so seriously a of the time and take the time to have fun.

Cos sometimes, all you need to do is have a little faith and jump.



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