Do I Believe The Way In Which My Children Are Being Educated, Is Preparing Them For The Future? - HomeEdders Educational Debate Challenge!

I chose home education for my children, because I do not agree with the way that the educational system is used to program our children, to get them to conform to a certain way of thinking and living. I want my girls to grow up to be independent, to be empowered and to have the skills necessary for them to thrive in whatever career or area of work that they choose.


I want them, to have the time to discover who they are, to not be influenced by the direction of others. To be confident in their learning and confident in their ability to ask for help or assistance, when and if they need it. It is really important that they know how to interact with the world around them and that they have a real understanding of what is important.

For me, it has always been about giving them the freedom to explore and discover. The freedom to learn as they choose, allowing them to take charge. so that they know how capable they are, therefore holding little doubt in their minds, really believing in their abilities.

So many children today, learn out of fear, fear of failure, fear of punishment and this is especially true when they attend schools. I understand that for some, schools may work, but they also place a huge amount on pressure on them and they force them to conform to the academic way of thinking, to listen and obey, to follow orders.


Most Children get to realize (hopefully) the importance of boundaries and being respectful in their homes and in their communities, by watching how other people interact and by having the opportunity to interact with others, especially when they interact with people of all ages. Being given the time to observe, is so important and being given the opportunity to experience how people interact with the world is paramount. Seeing the diversity of life, is such an important part of education.

Along with knowing how to survive and thrive in the world. How to grow food, to build a fire and a shelter, to mend clothes, to care for animals, to care for the earth. All of these are just as important as learning to read and write, learning about our her/histories. They all go hand in hand.

When your child has the freedom to learn, they then, get to decide what is most important to them, what they wish to focus on and when they do they learn so quickly, because it is something they are passionate about. Everything is connected, we learn maths, reading, writing and art when we grow food, when we care for horses.


Every child should have the opportunity to really focus on what they are passionate about, to trust their instinct and go with what feels right for them. When we go into the educational system, we begin to listen less and less to ourselves, to our gut instinct. It really pulls us out of ourselves.

Right now, with what is happening in the world, we really need to be connected to our intuition. I really believe intuitive learning is one of the best ways to learn and it is so empowering!It is all about embodying who we are, connecting with ever part of ourselves.

Children are born with a desire to learn, to evolve and thrive. They are born connected to ever aspect of themselves, physical, spiritual,emotional, creative, they identify themselves as a whole being. This is something we need to nurture, to protect.


So what does the future hold for us, where are we headed, I am sure we all have our own ideas. But yet none of us can be certain how things will map out especially now. But having the skills to create a life that nurtures both us and the environment, that creates a harmonious relationship with nature, that is what I believe we all need to focus on.

How to be an self sovereign and autonomous being. To be able to thrive no matter what the future holds, because we know how to grow food, to form community, to build and create. These are the things that I want for my girls, and the reason I chose to allow them to learn at home and within the world at large. So that they are aware of the world around them, so that they keep asking questioning, trusting their over intuition over what is being forced upon them, by social media etc.

I want them to experience the world, the many sides of it, because this is important. Having insight is priceless, and having the awareness and understanding about how to access the truth that so often is hidden from view. To be confident in their stance and yet also to be respectful. This all comes from experience, through experiencing and witnessing what is happening in the world and by being allowed to interact with their natural environment.


By being allowed to play and explore,by being allowed to be a child. Play is so important, it is a necessity in development, especially in developing problem solving skills, in building their confidence. There is so much to be said for allowing children to be who they are!

Because of this, I like to think that my children will be prepared for the future, that does not mean it will be easy, but rather that they will have faith on their abilities and the confidence to be who they are. That they will have the skills to create a beautiful life, living in harmony with the earth.





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