Conversation With My Daughter

Conversations with my children.
One of my daughter's came into me tonight and asked me the following question...
" What's happening with the stars, I feel like they are disappearing, like they are almost dissolving." This open up a whole can of worms. I have certainly noticed changes in the sky. I mean it's also kind of natural for it to change. But that is natural. What I have seen is not, from the clouds, to the sun, which is very white these days, the night sky.
" Some people, believe that the sky is a projection", I responded. "Do you believe that?" my daughter
asked me.
To be honest I don't know what to believe. I know that I don't trust anything that is being pushed on us, from governmental bodies.
I tell my daughter, that when I went to school in Ireland, my whole education had to first be approved by the Catholic Church before it was allowed to be taught to us.
Also that the much of the science that we are told, is science that has been paid for, by different people, who want to push their product. There really is too much for sale in our world, too much of what shapes modern society. It always goes to the highest bidder.


I'm at the stage, where I struggle to know what to tell my kids. I could share what I learned in school, but to be honest, I don't want to teach it as truth. Because I have no idea, what is true or not, unless I get to experience it first hand. I can share different ideas, for sure. But for science and history for example, well who knows. All I do know is, that I need to just keep asking questions.
It's what I tell my girls.

But also, to live.

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Education for me, goes far beyond what the textbooks tell you. You need to know how to think, not what to think. How to think for yourself, so that you are able to come up with your own solutions in life. Instead of turning to others, for the solution. To understand how our bodies work, by actually listening to them, observing them. To understand, how our power, sits with our intuition.

Allowing your children, to take responsibility for their own education. But guiding them along the way. It's not an easy road, because it goes against what we have been taught. But I managed to hold onto my intuition, to continue listening to it, as I grew up. Our children need to learn, how to live in the world around them, to have the skills need to strive, in whatever environment that they choose to live in.

The photos used are my own, ones that I took. Places me and my girls have got to spend some time in.

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