What's new and important in the field of family education?

Many people are worried by the news that from this year on online platforms, when passing midterm assessments, the proctoring procedure will be used.

What does it mean?

Proctoring is a control system for online exams.

When a child takes an exam through a platform, remotely, for his certification, the receiving party needs to make sure that the exam is taken by the child who is declared, and noone prompts him, and he does not cheat.

Since September 1st of this year, it will not be possible to bypass this point.

What does this essentially mean for those families who certify their children through online platforms?

This means that the platform is obliged to provide proctoring, otherwise the certificate of interim certification may not be accepted by any school.

I have contradictory feelings about this news.

First of all, I don't mind cameras. If a kid is ready for exams, it doesn't matter whether there are cameras there or not.

But, from the other hand, WHY isn't there the same rule for schools??
We all know HOW schools and teachers can cheat to get necessary marks from kids (to rise their rating, reputation and so on).
And how kids themselves can cheat!

I was a schoolgirl as well, and there were exams which we passed using earphones! And I guess, the teacher understood it very well.

Now technologies and methods are even better.

So why does officials insist on great control for unschooling kids only??

We don't pass any exams now, and we aren't sticked to schools. I'm happy we can be free now.
But I don't like this news..

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