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Introducing Musical Instruments in our Homeschool Part 1: The Piano Keyboard 🎹🎹🎹🎹

My vision as a dad is to allow my children follow their passion in life rather than forcing them to study what I want them to. Following one's passion leads to fulfilment, while following other peoples passion leads to frustration at the end. I was a victim of studying what parents wants their children to study and become in life. Many Nigerian parents during my childhood and even now want their children to become medical doctors, lawyers and engineers. These professions have made children to abandon their dreams to satisfy their parents dreams. Changing the paradigm will make a difference. This is because all children aren't the same some are wired to be skillful while others are wired to become professionals in the academic field of study. Allowing a child make their own choices in life and guiding them in actualizing them is the greatest achievement I as a dad have resolved to achieve with my children. This post will focus on my child's passion for playing musical instruments at home. Greetings from @salvadornkpara.


How it Started
I observed that once my son became a year old, everything in our house became a drum stick and that increased the nuisance at home. Once you take the drum stick from his hand, he'll cry until the sticks are returned to him. He's so passionate that he plays the drum even when people in the neighborhood are still sleeping. Once this happens I become worried that he's causing nuisance in the neighborhood, so I'll take all the sticks and hide them. Empty water cans are his favorite drum sticks. The most scary part is that in church my son wants to stay close to the instrumentalists and when the church dismisses he'll run to the instrument stand and climb the drum set and play the drum. But most recently I've found my son trying to play the church piano keyboard 🎹🎹🎹, so I encouraged him by getting a smaller keyboard for him but he'll always want the bigger keyboard. I decided to add keyboard lessons to our homeschool curriculum just to encourage his passion.

Our Music Curriculum
Apart from introducing the preliminary musical notes, we're deliberate to teach in our curriculum the name of sound of the pitch sounds and their place on the keyboard. Teach him the meaning of intervals and fingering and keyboard measurement.
As he grows up and masters the preliminary musical notes we'll include staff, bar lines and clefs in our curriculum but for now we'll used his passion for the piano keyboard to introduce other aspects of the lessons. I know my son that whatever he wants to learn and puts interest in them he'll do better than we expect from him.





In conclusion, passion is very important in everything we do in life. In this season of enjoyment an I'm encouraged not to remove my eyes from my children in order not to start a fresh after the festive holiday. Thanks for stopping by my post.

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