The book club as a learning and socialization strategy

Hello to all the valuable members of @homeedders today I want to share with you one of my passions, reading, in the development and learning of this important skill and then my favorite hobby my mother had a lot to do because she was the one who bought the books that little by little taught me to love and enjoy. Today the pleasure of reading for the simple fact of enjoying a good story seems to have been lost a little, in this post I would like to remember the importance of this skill and especially how to share with family, friends, to travel without leaving home, the development of creative thinking, imagination and improvement of our communication skills.


One way to stimulate reading is to create a book club for our children and youngsters. This book club can start with a few people, a couple of friends or simply with the members of our family and step by step incorporate some people who feel that interest and love for reading. In these times where we are still limited by the pandemic, the book club at home, we can even implement it with the use of technology because, the day of the meeting scheduled to discuss the text of the week can make the meeting via video call or any social network that we have available for it.

Source: @emimoron

What do we need to make a book club?


1.- Willingness and interest in reading. We as adults must show our children and young people the value of reading by example, if we read they will do it too.

2.- Form a group of people who wish to share their impressions about the books that are assigned to read each week or monthly.

3.- Set aside at least two hours a week for the group meeting.

4.- Select varied readings and books for all tastes that can be changed as suggested by club members.

5.- Establish rules regarding the reading of the texts. That is, if they read by chapters, by number of pages, by selected fragments, among other options that allow all members to participate.

6.- Respect for the ideas and opinions of the members of the club is about establishing a group where we can share our impressions of what we liked or disliked about the selected texts.

Some useful suggestions


The book club is a strategy that helps us as parents to establish bonds of friendship and love with our children through the establishment of a lifelong hobby. It is also useful when trying to get kids to socialize with other people and express their ideas without fear. One of the many advantages of the book club is precisely to develop our communication skills because reading enriches our vocabulary as well as helping us to build our own discourse and the development of critical capacity.

Source: @emimoron

Always actively listen to your club members.

2.- The selection of readings should be balanced, giving each member the opportunity to suggest a text and have it shared by the others.

3.- Make the book club meeting a pleasant moment to share, remember it may only be two people or more, the important thing is to share what we have learned or experienced through reading.

It is a strategy for learning and valuing literature. The book club serves us from children to adults and is a way to establish a connection with other people who love and value reading in addition to providing cognitive benefits.

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