Hello! hivers,I hope we are all fine?Have you ever heard of the statement "what does the future holds? I do ponder on when is this future,Many great Authors like Ralph Abernathy said "I don't know what the future holds,but I know who holds the future".meaning the future is here,it is now,we holds it,and it starts with every individual.
Meanwhile others still awaits the future,still expecting the future to come.


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According to Ralph Abernathy,the future is here and yet to come concurrently.
Adults today who says children are the future of tomorrow never knew that they are the once who shape's the future in them,and that was because they failed to realize that they once hold and still holds the future.....
And as Eleanor Roosevelt would say "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
Meaning children are not the only one who holds the future.
We can never hope for bright future from children which we haven't built on.
We are to serve as legacies to them..
Children are the future of tomorrow depending on what they've learnt from the present learder's (parents/Adults)
A better future can be built today,and it is forged by people of courage, determination,and persistence,not by those who wait for the future to come.......

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