My (Patient) Little Paleontologists

The Great Lab of Sciences

Hello Home Edders! Hope you all are having a great start to 2021. It's been quite busy in our little homeschool, but we've somehow managed to fill you in last week with a short video from the @divinekids showing their first Science activity for the year.

Today I want to share their Paleontology activity where they spent some quality time "digging fossils" and showing character along the way.

The kids were too eager to start their little adventure. I decided it was best if we take it outside since it was definitely going to be messy with all the plaster that we're about to pickaxe.

It was cold and windy, but we didn't mind. We don't have this kind of weather most of the year so we really love to take advantage of it.

Let's Start Digging

Armed with their little pickaxe and hammer, they proceeded with the task on hand.


They were too careful not to overdo the pounding as they might damage the "precious fossils".

Each took turns with the tools, even occasionally interchanging their positions in trying to find the best strategy for successfully digging out the fossils.


They let out shrieks of excitement each time a piece of fossil skeleton got exposed.

Chipping away a piece of the plaster was one step closer to success.

Lots of Work

Thirty minutes in, and it became apparent to them that the task they started was not easy. Honestly, I was surprised they did not abandon the activity mid-way.

It became too chilly that they decided to move to a spot where they would get direct sunlight for a little warmth.


Halfway through, I suggested that they take a rest first after seeing all the work that they had done. Guess what, nobody wanted to stop!

It was indeed teamwork among the three!

Of course, we won't get through an activity without some "goofing around"! See here, Little Miss' fun drawing using the plaster. Oh, it even has a heart! ❤️️


Along the way, they also shared how fossils were made.

Are there fossils in the UAE? Can we also find fossils under the ocean?

The discussion and exchange of ideas were fascinating.


Finally, they were able to excavate all the fossil skeletons. Whew! Being a paleontologist was not easy, but with lots of patience and determination, they succeeded!

They found:

  • the skull with large and sharp teeth
  • rib cage
  • two hind legs
  • two very small forelegs
  • a long tail

They then proceeded to clean the skeletons and put them together to identify what skeleton remains they found.


It's the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

I was quite impressed by how they handled the activity. They were all full of enthusiasm and found ways to make the task at hand less difficult. There was also no fighting, only sharing and taking turns.

There are still 3 activities left from the lab kit they received. We'll definitely share our experience with it here or on the @divinekids page.

Until then!

Happy homeschooling! ❤️️


Many thanks to @bearone for this beautiful Hiveph badge!

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