Teaching Kids about Manners - Homeschool Coop in Panama

Tomorrow, the moms in our coop are teaching our children about manners. The topics we will go over include:

  • Greetings
  • Public behavior
  • Table manners
  • Respect for authority
  • Hygiene
  • Social habits

I am in charge of teaching about greetings and public behavior. These are interesting because we don't any of us live in our native homeland or use our native language when out and about. I prepared a slideshow that uses both English and Spanish greeting terms. Hopefully all of the things we teach our kids are still applicable here in another culture!

Here are the notes I have about greetings that I plan to share with the kids.

Greet people when you arrive somewhere:
Hello, Hola
Good morning, Buenos dias
Good afternoon, Buenas tardes
Good evening, Buenas noches
Buen dia

Tell everyone goodbye when you leave:
Goodbye, Adios, Chao.
See you soon, Hasta pronto.
See you later, Hasta luego.
See you tomorrow, Hasta manana.
See you, Nos vemos.

Courtesies as needed:
Please - Por favor
Thank you - Gracias
You’re welcome - De nada, Con placer
Excuse me - Perdon, Disculpe, Permiso, Como?

When you meet someone:
Handshake – web to web, firm, no fingertips
Eye contact
Volume – loud enough to be heard, but not yelling

Sticker (on forehead between the eyes for focus)
State greeting (Hello, good morning.)
Say name (Nice to meet you, John.)

What to say when introducing yourself:
Eye contact
Handshake (3 times)
Hello, my name is _____. - Hola mi nombre es ________.
Hello _____, I’m ______. – Hola ____, soy _______.
Nice to meet you, _____. – Mucho gusto, _______.
How are you? - Como estas?
I am fine, thank you. How are you? - Estoy bien, gracias. Como estas?

When introducing others:
Do you know my friend, __________. – Conoces a mi amig@, __________?
Introduce the adult first
Introduce in order of importance – president, principal, teacher
Introduce men before women
Introduce a girl before a boy
Introduce with their proper title – Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Introduce with their last name – Mr. Donald Duck

Thats So Rude video about introducing others.

Then we'll take a quick quiz to see if they've caught on. Are these right or wrong?
What’s up?
I’d like you to meet my friend, Bob.
Thanks so much!
Shyly with no eye contact Hi, I’m Kama.
This is Bobby and Susie.
Hello. How are you?
Good morning! My name is Sally. Nice to meet you. How are you?

The second part of my lesson is about Manners – Public Behavior.

Be considerate of others:
No loud voices or noises in libraries, theaters, museums, church
No climbing on furniture
No running inside, rough housing
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Practice patience – with elders, disabled, younger children
Don’t push or shove
Don’t stare, point, pick your nose…
Wait your turn in line
Smile – It’s the universal language.

If you bump into someone or their cart:
Excuse me – Perdon, Disculpe
I’m sorry – Lo siento

If trying to walk past someone:
Excuse me – Permiso

Show understanding and kindness towards others, even in potentially frustrating situations.

Be punctual
Arrive on time
Be prepared – bring a book, water, or snack if it is a long activity
Use the restroom beforehand so you don’t disrupt the activity (church, for example)

Use appropriate and polite language
Please and thank you
No bad language

A lot of people believe that “Children should be seen and not heard,” and sometimes this statement is practical. For example, if your parents are talking to someone or if you are at the movies or a concert. A time when this would not apply would be at the park.

Clean up after yourself:
Leave the table or area you used clean and free of trash.
Throw away your trash and take all of your personal items with you.

If someone drops something, try to help them pick it up if possible
Show respect for other’s property.
If you step on or break something that belongs to someone else, apologize first. “I’m so sorry, it was an accident.” Seek to restore or pay for the broken item if possible.

Door etiquette:
If possible, hold the door open for others and allow them to enter first.
If someone opens the door for you, say “thank you” loud enough that they can hear it.

The Golden Rule
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
In other words, treat others the way you want to be treated.

Matthew 7:12 In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you…

What do you think? Did I leave something out? Are any of these manners not applicable where you live?

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