Homeschool Meetup at a Park

This morning was a great morning! We spent a few hours outside playing with some of the other homeschool families in the area! We were able to meet up at our park and spend time in the sunshine with them!

It's always fun to see the other expats and enjoy time outside! There have been a lot of kids added to the group recently, so we have kids of all ages. Pretty much everyone found someone they could play with who was around their same age!

There are people from all over the world here! We have good friends from South Africa, different states in the US, and even Austria! It is fun to see kids from all these different cultures!

The kids played on the slide, see-saw, play structure, and even had fun kicking a ball around. Some dads came this time even! The moms really enjoyed hanging out and talking!

It makes me so happy to see more families moving to our area. When a family looks at moving to Panama, Boquete is usually the town that catches your eye due to their online presence! Thankfully many more families are starting to hear about and move to our town. Boquete is mostly full of retired people, so it makes sense for the families to venture this way!

Even though we don't have the best park or the best playset for the kids to play on, everyone had a great time! It just makes me happy to live here when we spend time doing life with our friends! Some friends we see often and some we only see when they come into town for homeschool events.

Do you ever meet up with friends at the local park?

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