Days of Fantasy - Chapter Eight



                                Chapter Eight

We had no luck with finding a job, so we went to a restaurant to wait for Rudlin to get better. As we ate, I noticed that two men were watching us. I ignored them and continued eating. When we were about to get up, the men came over and stood over us.
“Are one of you Cloud Strife?” one of them asked.
“Who’s asking?” Cloud asked.
“Official Avalon police,” he said, showing off his badge.
“Why are you looking for this Cloud Strife?” Cloud asked.
“That is classified information,” the other said.
“Well nope, none of us, right, guys?” Cloud said looking at us.
“Right, no Cloud here,” Averna said. I nodded. The men looked disappointed as they walked off.
“That was close!” Cloud exclaimed in a whisper.
“What did they want?” Averna asked. Cloud shrugged.
“I don’t think that they just wanted to have a friendly chat though,” Cloud said.

As we followed the two suspicious men from a safe distance, I wondered where they were going. We followed them around a corner and they suddenly jumped on us.
“Hey what is thi-” Cloud tried to say but they knock him out.
“Why are you doi-” Averna also was knocked out.
I didn’t say anything so they didn’t knock me out.
“Will you go along with this?” one of them asked. I nodded.
“Good. Now, let’s move,” the other said. They made me help them drag Cloud and Averna to some mystery place there I had no idea what would happen.

When we finally got there I collapsed and let go of Cloud. The people whispered for a while and then turned around.
“Over here!” one of the two men yelled, waving his arms. Then I heard a loud sound of spinning blades. A helicopter landed nearby and the two men shoved us into it. I didn’t fell safe as we lifted into the sky. I have never been in a helicopter. Cloud and Averna woke up rubbing there heads.
“Ugh… what happened?” Could said, groaning.
“Silence!” one of the two men snapped. We sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

When (after about a thirty minute ride) we got out, I was glad to be back on solid ground. Then I realized that we were at Denaria castle. Not good, I thought.
“What are you going to do to us?” Cloud demanded.
“Well I would tell you, but if I did I would be punished,” one of the men explained. Then we were taken to the prison and locked up for the night.

-Point of view change to: Rudlin-

I ran away… My house was far behind… I did not look back… I looked forward… Toward the future… Why did I run away? ... Why? …
Suddenly I snapped my eyes open. It was only a dream. I tried to move but agonizing pain shot up my back. I shut my eyes and winced.
“Don’t move.” A voice said.
“Ugh… My back hurts…” I groaned. I opened my eyes and noticed that a nurse was standing there.
“Of course it does,” she said gently.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“You are in Avalon castle,” she said.
“Where are my friends?” I asked.
“They dropped you off and left three days ago,” she explained.
“Oh…” I said relaxing.
“Well you should get some rest until tomorrow when the doctor will see you,” she said, making to leave.
“Wait,” I called to her.
“Yes?” she asked.
“Well… um… could you bring me a glass of water?” I asked.
“Of course,” she said, turning around and grabbing a cup, she filled it with water and gave it to me.
“Thank you,” I said gratefully, sipping the water. She smiled and went out the door. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning I got ready to meet the doctor.
“Doctor Shank should be here shortly,” the nurse said in that pretty voice of hers. I looked around for the first time. Then I noticed that my sword and my gear were gone. The doctor came in right then.
“How is our patient feeling?” he asked.
“Fine,” I muttered realizing that I had nothing to protect myself with.
“Why do you look so glum?” he asked.
“I have noticed that I do not have any thing to protect myself with,” I explained.
“Oh I see. You are a soldier and like to feel safe at all times,” he said. Do you see? I thought.
“That is not all it is mostly that we are in war and you can’t trust anybody,” I said.
“You have nothing to fear from me I am here to help you,” he said. It will be fine as long as he doesn’t try to stick me with that poison needle I thought. To my horror the next thing he did was grab that poison needle.
“Now that you’re awake I can give you a pain relief vaccine,” he said testing it. Poison leaked out. He slowly started to move it toward my arm. I punched it out of his hand, and it hit the wall and broke.
“What are you thinking?” he demanded. I jumped out of the bed and tried to run, but the pain in my back made me fall. I got back up and went out the door as fast as I could. I hurried down the hall and out the door. Then I hurried toward my house.

I had to pass Ector’s house to get to my house. When I got there I knocked lots of times but no answer. I continued on, finally arriving at my house. I knew what had happened. I opened the door, grabbed a sword, and ran back out. I got a taxi.
I said, “Get me as close as you can to Denaria castle.” We sped off, and I hoped I would find my friends there.

(Photo of them in the helicopter flying to Denaria castle)

Stay tuned for more exiting chapters and don't forget to like and follow!

Minor editing done by my mom, @apanamamama

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