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We are all something but none of us is everything

Greetings to all, I haven't written an article in a while, and it feels strange to do it on Monday which is generally considered to be the busiest and most stressful day of the week.

Don't feel too proud because you have a car, I'm sure you brought the car from someone that is involved in selling of cars and there's also someone out there that has the company from which the car is been manufactured and that signifies that what you're proud of is just someone else's thing that he can dash out without it having any effect on his financial side.

Don't feel too proud because you have a bread, someone out there is an owner of a bakery from which your bread is been bought and also all the equipment that are you to produce the bread you're proud of, were all produced from a source and without them, your bread can't be manufactured.

The money you have now, even your account balance that makes you feel that you're above the world may just be another person's tithe or even offering, having wealth shouldn't make you think you're on top the world because where your wealth ends is where other people's wealth begins.... You just have to make your circle richer rather than only making yourself rich alone because no one can predict what predicament that could occur next and when you don't make your circle rich, no one would be able to help you.

You might think you're flawless tht everything is perfect and you are all that everyone wishes to be but the truth remains still that no matter who you're, what you have, you can't have a perfect life, everyone have a past but the main thing is that we shouldn't allow it to ruin our future.

Never look down on anyone truly we are all something and we all wish we could be everything but we can't be everything, but the best we can do is to be skillfully unique at what we do, be mindful of our words, give our best at every given chance, be mindful of our actions, try to build relationship with man and woman of value, continually improve yourself, learn to speak good about people, integrity and honesty, be a giver and finally be a lover of God.

Thanks for reading ❣️❣️❣️❣️

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