Gardening in the UK in May - A @raj808 Poem

Image by Ian Lofaro from Pixabay

A smatter of birdcall
through the wall of music,
pounding drums from earphones
drown the bird's melody
while everything
grows surreptitiously.

A cat watches
lazy midday light,
fur an Ebony sheen,
she licks lips before
anointing a paw,
showering in saliva
under tumescent Azaleas.

Green breath of growth swells,
as bumble bees crumble crusts
of pollen-ripened flowers,
and that just cut grass smell
enthuses and overpowers.

I stand still for a moment,
spade half buried in calico earth
the music has stopped.
End of the Album.

The cat sits up,
shock in her eyes-
as clouds roll in
darkening the sky.


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

This poem was actually inspired by an experience from a few years ago when I was gardening for a friend, and I did get a picture of her cat glowering at the clouds as they rolled in... but sadly after searching for nearly half an hour I couldn't find that picture anywhere on my computer đŸ˜‚. The one I used above from pixabay looks a lot like my friends cat.

The image used in this post is creative commons license, linked to credit beneath the picture. If you have enjoyed this poem, please check out my other work on my homepage @raj808. Thanks for reading.


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