Music is My Mental Medicine. ~ Dreem-Wotw S3 R3

For as long as I can remember, music has been like therapy for my soul. When I gave birth to my first daughter, I had terrible insomnia those first few months from the new mom anxiety. During those sleepless nights when my mind raced, I discovered my musical cure: "Immortality" by Celine Dion.


That song instantly calmed all my worries and overwhelmed thoughts. Her soothing voice and the gentle melodies truly felt like a warm embrace, reassuring me that everything would be okay, it wasn't easy being a first time mother, but I found peace in that music.

I think of beautiful harmonies and heartfelt songs as a cleansing tonic for the mind. I curate playlists full of tracks with positive messages and tranquil vibes. But nothing centers me the way Celine Dion's "Immortality" does when I feel stressed or overwhelmed. It feels like she wrote that ballad just for me - Mother struggling through those wee hours of the night, doubting herself. The self-affirming lyrics are a blanket of comfort on frazzled nerves.

There's no medicine quite as healing and grounding for me as that song's delicate crescendos reaching inside to massage my weary soul. Music has this supernatural ability to regulate my mood and overwrite any turbulence in my mind with harmony. When I press play on "Immortality," it retunes my entire mental frequency to one of hope and inner peace. That's why Celine remains my nightly musical medicine to this day when I need soothing. Her voice provides the remedies I can always rely on when feeling overwhelmed. No pharmacy could ever bottle such a profoundly healing sound.

So In my daily life, I only choose to listen to music that soothes and centers me. Loud, aggressive songs full of chaos hold no appeal. I curate playlists and tunes that wash over me gently, ones infused with positive messages and tranquil vibes. When I need to find my peace, music is what I turn to.

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See you in my next post❤️❤️

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