Reality [Poetry]

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A little strife, a fiery pain
Joy becomes a thing of the past
Beauty is forgotten
Light fades into darkness
It's a story of woe

A little loss, an empty wallet
The heart becomes wearily sad
Hunger crawls up the belly
Sickly feeling engulfs the body
It's a story of woe

A high expectation, a disappointment
Shock sets the heart racing
A sinking feeling opens the door wide
For anger and fear to enter
It's a story of woe

A dreadful news, a diagnosis
Weakness of body parts sets in
The world has come to end
Hope becomes an unknown word
It's a story of woe

Change and adversity, necessary duo
Joy and laughter soothes and embraces
But quickly forgotten at the appearance
Of loss and pain, a vital part of life
It's a story of woe, or bliss

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It's a celebratory time, everyone is in good spirits and happily looking forward to the Christmas holidays. It's easy to think our part of the world and whatever we're going through, good or bad, applies to everyone. We're happy, merrymaking so it means everyone all over the world must be doing same. Sorry to burst your bubble, it's not so.

The inspiration to write this short piece came after I heard news of people, whom I knew to be well-to-do, struggling to make ends meet, especially at this festive period. I'm reminded of change, how fleeting life is and that woe and bliss are an integral part of our existence.

We want the good, the laughters, beauty but when life hands us the other side of the coin which we can never avoid or dodge, it's like the world is ending. Hope becomes lost, despondency sets in and nothing matters anymore. We forget what love feels like, what joy tastes like, and what beauty looks like.

Once a person conditions himself to accept the good and bad in life, the journey becomes a little easy. He knows he can cross the hurdles when they come and face the loss because, soon again, the joys will come. I'm hoping this piece helps someone just as it has helped me.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Image 1: Simon Berger
Image 2: Cindy Gustafson

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