The end


There is life on other planets, no idea, the truth. No one was seen, and life in space is not for humans; everyone becomes deformed when they live up there for a long time. It even changes their DNA. The Moon is an empty wasteland, lifeless. Mars is a useless desert. The other planets are either gas, like Jupiter, or extreme heat, like Uranus. Beyond that, there are more planets. Today, all of them are science fiction, meaning it's impossible to live there. Moreover, traveling with the space carts we have is impossible to get anywhere. Slugs move faster in any structure and place than the ships we have today.

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They are a disaster; almost the entire ship is fuel and mechanisms. Besides, all speeds are 30 km, and the planets are light-years away, an astronomical distance, so to speak. So, there is an undeniable truth: Earth is our prison from the perspective of only being able to look very far, but not knowing anything about space. We only see 0.4%; that's why it takes an eternity to know the immense vastness of space.

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It's out there, impossible to know. Every day, they discover new things, but we only look at them. Nothing has reached beyond our solar system. So, what is the problem? You can't escape from Earth. Earth is judged. God is coming soon to kill all the bad ones, from his perspective. So, no one is left. He says they will hide under the mountains, and he will go there to find them. So, not only is Earth a prison but also a death sentence. He says the dead will fill the Earth. And yes, the world is a mess. We do whatever we want, regardless of the consequences. And who remembers God? What he asks us to do, few must do today. And why is there a general rejection of God? Most do not go and do not listen. In fact, the church is going through its darkest days due to the abandonment of the church, which is also a fraud.

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So, there is nowhere to go, just wait for him to come and end everyone. It seems to be the only way. He did it in the past. He annihilated entire communities because he was angry. All his decency disappeared, and he no longer exists. So, many are faithful now. That exception exists; his children are thousands.

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So, all that remains is to wait for that day. And he says it will come when least expected. It will be soon; it is always said to be coming, but it doesn't, and we sink further. Maybe there are still people to be saved.

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That's why he doesn't annihilate everything. God is love, they say. Love when you are a marvel, but if you don't walk with God, God is wrath and annihilation. Humanity seems to be left with little, and those few will start humanity again, like the Israelites who wandered in the desert for 40 years. He gave them the promised land; houses they didn't build, cisterns they didn't dig, vineyards they didn't plant. So, those few will have the whole world for themselves: Ferraris, Maseratis, jewels, clothes, cars, all the wealth in a few crazy cats who cared to obey God and not want to escape to another planet. To see if that way out breaks the legal framework of the impending judgment. And this is the most tremendous: it doesn't fail. He will do it because we are used to not lying and being given things of poor quality. A created world is not like that. Everything is perfect, with the best quality and technology. So, the one who did it is a good person, correct, exact, and true to his word. Because the sun rises every day and it rains. Everything he said, he will do, and not many humans will be left to see it.

Its Friday Yes GIF by Denyse®

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