Farewell !!


As Summer comes to a conclusion, Felix took his daughter Piper out for some back to school shopping.

"I've really had fun dad, I wish Summer didn't have to end. Very soon it will be no more ice cream."

"Is that why you don't want Summer to end Piper? Because of ice cream?" Felix inquired having a good laugh.

"Yes! That and because I don't have to go to school".

"Well, sadly Piper, like everything with a beginning, there must be an end and the sweetest part is that, we've had a good run and you've had too many ice cream young lady".

Felix made attempts to grab Piper's ice cream cone but she dodged and ran several steps forward bumping into a woman and her groceries.

"Omg!" The woman yelled in disbelief as her vegetables came hitting the hardfloor.

Piper was too shocked for actions. Luckily, her father was nearby to quickly salvage the situation as he rushed to the scene to pick up the lady's food items and handed over to her, her bag of groceries.

"I'm so sorry for my daughter's misbehaviour.... Children will always be children." Felix defended

"Children? What do you mean children will always be children? Your daughter is a teenager and should be treated as such hmph!" The lady fumed as she walked out on Felix.

"Am I in trouble dad?" Piper inquired

"No baby, she's just a sad woman. Let's go home". Felix consoled

As they walked to the car Felix continued, "how do you suggest we send Summer off?"

"Let's pay mom a visit," Piper giggled.

It's been over 6 years Felix stopped visiting his ex wife with their daughter, especially since she now has a new man with children. Felix had hoped their marriage worked out but quite unfortunately, it didn't and he's made sure to give Piper all the love she needs to not feel the absent of her mom.

Piper requesting to see her Mom as a farewell to Summer was also to mark her mom's birthday with her which they always did when her father was away as a Marine. Piper's mother actually moved on after not hearing from Piper's dad for 3years. She thought he died and by the time he got back, she was already deep into another man.

"Hey Carol, good day."

"Hello Felix, how are you?"

"I'm good Carol, hey, Piper was wondering if we could come say farewell to Summer with you and Dave, and the children. I mean, if it's not ok, I'd understand."

"No, it's totally fine, I've been meaning to call for Piper, you guy can drop in.... Remember it's also my birthday". Carol quickly added.

"Oh, great, we'd come." They both concluded as the line disconnects.

The following weekend before the beginning of Falls, Felix and Piper was at Carol's with all of Carol's relatives in attendance. It was quite an awkward one for Felix but he remained strong for Piper.

Everything was going well until Dave suggested while they were having lunch that him and Carol, would want to adopt Piper and take her off Felix so he could focus on his life and maybe start his own family.

"What made you think my daughter is a stumbling block for me to settling down?" Felix questioned with a ln undertone of anger and irritation.

Before Dave could say a world, Carol's mother intruded, "oh relax Felix, the man just wants to do you a favour."

By now, Felix was getting agitated as he tightened his fist. Carol knows how Felix can get, she knew he wouldn't agree but her family and Dave insisted.

"What's this Carol? Did I make a mistake bringing Piper here?" Felix turned to Carol with red eyes.

"No Felix, it's just, Piper needs a home and for almost a decade now you haven't given her that."

"I have given Piper love, I have given Piper my life, does that child not look happy enough?" Felix yelled which caused Piper to run out.

"Dad is everything ok? I heard you yell" Piper inquired upon sensing the tensed atmosphere.

"Everything is ok peaches, I'm just about saying goodbye to your mother." Felix replied giving Piper a stern look.

"Goodbye? But Dad, we are still making mom's cake and having lunch so how is it goodbye?"

"Peaches, I will really appreciate you not questioning me right now, grab your stuffs and let's go."

"Don't do this dad, today is mom's day.... I haven't seen her or done this with her in over 6 years, don't ruin this moment for me please." As Piper pleaded, her voice got teary and a tear dropped.

"You better listen to your daughter man, she's wise", Dave said in a hushed tone.

Felix felt helpless, he sat down and the rest of the day went miserable for him.

After the party, as Carol, Dave and her relatives walked them to the car, Piper had gotten in, and Felix was about to go into the car as well when Carol whispered in his ear to think about what they discussed earlier.

Felix looked at Carol, then looked at Dave and the rest of Carol's family and then said.... "This is actually farewell, farewell to you, farewell to Summer because you will never see us here again. GOODBYE!" Felix got in his car and zoomed off.

This is my response to the Dreemport August Challenge Week 3: Late Night Of Summer, Farewell.

Till We Read Again

Original content by the author.

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