"Happiness:- The state of being you, feeling alive, pleasure, emotions that make you overwhelmed with joy. This would be how I would define happiness but how do you achieve it?"

The Way to Happiness : Part 1

Hi Hivers, I am Midhun Binoy from India, to be accurate Kerala. Been doing my MBA, actually in a messed up state thinking and conflicting about a lot of things or life as we know it. Well in the midst of these I actually started reading and that book is what I would like to introduce to you, or lets say narrate it as in through my ways of understanding. Hope this helps a lot of people out there.


Source: Image

Happiness:- The state of being you, feeling alive, pleasure, emotions that make you overwhelmed with joy. This would be how I would define happiness but how do you achieve it? Well for me it was always the grand things and materials until that changed an year or so, and then I started finding it in those little things that most of don't even notice. But recently after I started reading especially this book The Way To Happiness written by L. Ron Hubbard, things have started to take turn here and there. I've actually started re thinking about of a lot of things and maybe getting a clear thought about it as well.
So, starting with this post, I will be dividing the entire book in different parts containing two or more chapters.

THE WAY: Chapters 1 - 2

True joy and happiness, so what are they?

If one can't survive , no joy is obtainable. It is in our power to point the way to less dangerous and happier life. Take care of yourself and Be Temperate, those are the first two chapters of the book. Well Let us dive in deeper, shall we?

Take care of yourself
Take care of yourself and others, when they are ill or when people isolate themself, take care of them and when you are in the situation take care of yourself. Keeping yourself healthy, seeking proper treatment, keeping your body clean, having a proper diet are ways you can keep yourself healthy and hence lead a happy life. Get rest when you need. There are times when we have sit for long hours through night, but by going through it every day can be a burden to ourself and others. We might jump into accidents, make mistakes when out of mind. Rest is an essential part too.

Be Temperate
Temperate, meaning not going to extremes; not overdoing things; controlling your cravings. It can be so many things, but for now I would focus on drugs and alcohol. We don't see the real world when high. Happy being high for the time being? what happens after we are back to the normal state, same for alcohol. One should learn to be happy without these things, build up happiness without these, a sustainable happy life. A little of it can long way; but don't let too much of it wind up in unhappiness.


For all those who made till her, Thank you for going through the Part 1 of The Way To Happiness. I know this not going to be a big start, but the little things we do can matter. Hope this post helps. Let this be a beautiful start.

😊Thank You😊

The Way to Happiness : Part 1

This is a cross post of @foxy.pix/the-way-to-happiness-part by @foxy.pix.

Happiness:- The state of being you, feeling alive, pleasure, emotions that make you overwhelmed with joy. This would be how I would define happiness but how do you achieve it?

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