
Later that night, I got dressed in one of my most fashionable outfits. I was happy, not happy at the situation, but happy that I was finally in control of things.
I took one final look at my very straight figure in the bathroom mirror. I was adorned in a long, black gown with thigh-high slits, and very high heels to match. I stood looking at myself for almost a minute and wondered why Tade would choose to stray away from me.
I am still very beautiful, tall, and straight with fair skin and a slim figure to die for. I had sufficient flesh in all the right places, and I am still able to stop the conversation for a few seconds in every room I enter.
I am not used to self-adulation, but I am stunningly beautiful. I had pure unblemished skin, and my brown restless eyes was one of my most beautiful features. So what happened? I asked myself inwardly for the umpteenth time.
I was jerked out of my reverie by my cell phone ringing in the bedroom. I went to get it and saw that the caller id displayed Olabisi's name as the caller. I picked it off the dressing mirror and bristled into the phone. "Hey, girlfriend. Don't tell me you are there already. It's still a few minutes before eight."
She replied me in mock anger, "Would you look at that? Who called me and was insisting I see her like it's an emergency? And to think you are not even here yet."

"I am on my way already I promise. " Your call is the only thing delaying me from stepping out of the house at this moment."
"Get to it then. I am waiting." She replied and clicked off."
I couldn't help but smile. I sat on the chair in front of the dressing mirror and adjusted my makeup, making sure my hair was tucked neatly into place.
Satisfied with my efforts, I picked up my clutch purse and hurriedly scribble a note for Tade, who left the house to supposedly go and see a friend a little while after our lovemaking.
I got my car keys and gracefully walked out of the house. I signaled to the gateman who immediately jumped up to open the gate. I opened the door to my Benz coupe 2022 model and slid in. I backed the car out of the compound and drove out in style.
I arrived at our meeting place and saw Olabisi already seated at our usual table, slowly sipping a glass of red wine and looking at the door expectantly, obviously for my arrival. Her eyes lit up upon seeing me, and she relaxes back in her seat.
I walk towards her and of course, more than a few of the other diners stare openly at me. I arrived at our table and took a seat after giving Olabisi a brief hug. "I am so sorry I am late, I didn't expect you to be here so early."
She waves me off and signals the waiter. He comes up to us walking like a robot in his starched white and black uniform.
"What would you be having, Tessy?' She looks at me waiting for me to make an order.
"Just get me a glass of wine, like the one she's having." I responded to the waiter pointing at Olabisi's drink. "The food would come later. I would call you when I need to order food."
He nods at me and is about to leave when I stop him. "Never mind a glass of the wine, just bring the whole bottle."Olabisi looks questioningly at me but says nothing until the waiter leaves our table.
"What's going on, Tessy? You want to drink on an empty stomach?"
I was about to respond when I saw the waiter making his way towards us with a tray in hand. He sets it down and silently places the bottle on our table. He looks at me asking me if he should open it.
"Should I open the bottle for you madam?"
I nodded slightly, indicating that he should. He proceeds to uncork the bottle and pours me a drink in a very clean glass. He takes the tray and leaves the table.
Olabisi regards me silently as I take a drink and smack my lips satisfactory. I can tell she's dying to hear what I have to say so, I set down the glass and move my seat closer to her. "It's Tade."
She frowns her face a bit obviously not understanding what I meant. "What's wrong with him?"
"There's nothing wrong with him, at least I wish there was." I proceeded to explain the whole saga that happened at the house, and filled her in on the latest developments.
Olabisi is not a stranger to Tade's cheating ways, and she listens silently without interruptions until I finish talking.After I was done, she only asked me a question.
"So, what do you intend to do?"
That was just typical of her, she never wastes time on small talk, she goes straight to the point and gets things done.
"I don't know what I want to do, that's why I called you. All I know is, those girls need to be dealt with. I don't want it to lead back to me, I just want them to learn to stay away from other women's husbands."

Olabisi slowly sets down her drink and I know a plan has formed inside that cute head of hers. "What sort of lesson? A brief lesson to drive home the point, or a lifelong lesson as a reminder to them?"

I want a lifelong lesson, Olabisi. Those girls have set my home on fire. I am not happy one bit. They need to pay for a lifetime. I don't want anyone dead of course, I just want a permanent marker on their bodies to remind them that they messed with the wrong woman this time."

"That shouldn't be too hard to arrange. Do you want to do the honors yourself or would you prefer someone else to do it for you? You would get video evidence of the proceedings should you decide on the latter."

She picks up her purse and rumbles in it for her phone, which she takes out and sets on the table.
"I want someone else to do it for me. I told you I don't want this leading back to me. I just don't know who can do it for me." I scrunch up my face, running possibilities in my head.

"Don't worry yourself about that, I know the right people for the job. It's going to cost you though. I don't know how much yet, but I am going to contact some boys I have used before to beat sense into my co-worker that was disturbing me from getting my promotion then at work." She looks at me to see if I was following her point and seeing that I was, she resumed, "I was introduced to them by my ex-boyfriend who works with zumtel, the network provider. All we need to give them is the details of those girls in question and leave the rest to them. I assume you have their details."

I stared blankly at her and shake my head." I don't have their details, the only thing I have are their numbers which I took off Tade's phone and wrote down. I don't even know their names apart from the notorious Eva, and that's only because I called her once and my caller identification application displayed her name. If it's money, I can pay lots of it. I only want the job done satisfactorily."

I said confidently knowing that Tade was filthy rich, not from his lecturing job, but from his parents who were renowned business people and old money.

Olabisi nods her head many times before declaring. "So, the only thing you have now is their numbers right?"

"Yes. I told you that already."

"That's not even a problem, Evans would take care of that. He can track all their details as long as their numbers are registered."

Evans is Olabisi's ex-boyfriend whose parents sponsored outside the country to study law but ended up learning how to be a hacker. He came back to Nigeria and got a job with a network service provider named zumatel in the country. Evans was the worst of the worst, he could do anything as long as money was involved. He became worse after he traveled outside the country and became hooked on drugs. Evans' parents were rich, but he never seemed to have enough money.

"If you are sure Evans can do the job, I have no problem with it. Just talk to him and let me know the price."

She claps her hands and beams cheerfully at me. It's all settled then." She signals to the waiter.
"Cheer up girl. I got you. Let's order then, shall we?"

I smile back at her and felt relieved for the moment. The waiter came, we ordered some food and continued chatting into the night with our food in front of us. I couldn't help but feel victorious. It's on bitches!


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