A life I knew


There's a popular saying that he who kills by the gun, will surely die by the gun.

Hi, my name is Brianna and this is my story.

You know, if you ask me, I wouldn't know if I prefer life in our cozy one room apartment in Mumbai or I love life better in our Mansion with lots of cars at our disposal. But then, the type of luxury that we have now, came at the expense of our freedom and our safety.

One time, I was almost hit by a hit and run driver but narrowly escaped because I was rescued by Edgar, someone we thought was a nice man.

Turns out it was a ploy to get to Mom, whom in the end was the weak link they used in murdering our Patriarch Uncle Sheikh in cold blood. Remember what I said about he who kills by the gun?

Now, here was how Uncle Sheikh earned, he's a drug kingpin, heading one of the strongest cartel in all of Mumbai. Uncle Sheikh was the hope of the poor so from my end I'd see him as a good man as he Changed the life of my mom and I positively.

But I don't think his business rivals would see him as such as he was ruthless in his dealings. Uncle Sheikh eliminated his rivals with the gun and in returning the favour, he was shot dead while tying loose ends.

The death of Sheikh sent mom back several years into the dark ages, but mom quickly rose to the occasion and filled the shoes of Sheikh perfectly. Edgar was however not spared as mom orchestrated an angry mob against him and ended him for good.

I saw mom build the empire and expanded the business coast. She was no longer the village champion I knew growing up, and leading the local women against the colonial masters and eventually destroying their camp.

This too came at a price as dad left with my baby brother who later died in his custody.... In dad's defense, he could not have a rebel for a wife.

Mom has not been lucky with men. Mom knew the position she occupies makes her the prime target. But oh was she ready for them all and wiith time, she had the whole of Mumbai underneath her feet.


Mom was seated ever so pretty on her relaxation mat, I came in first and sat by her side, then gave her a quick peck on the cheek. I was too excited for what's to unfold next... Then Fazel walked in.

Fazel is my brother's replacement and Mom groomed us together, unless you were told, you'd think we are biological siblings. He is an orphan boy whom mom took in at a very tender age.

"Hello Zeenat, you are looking rather ravishing," Fazel complimented mom as he took his seat on the mat after kissing her hands.

Mom chuckled then responded, "To what do I owe this visit Fazel... You are usually not seen, a busy man this one is," mom said turning to me and chuckling some more."

Fazel joined in the Chuckle but quickly cleared his throat to state his business and be serious about it.

"I want to get married Zeenat" Fazel informed mom in a somewhat shaky voice.

"Oh wow!" Mom's happiness was contagious as she clapped both hands and laughed heartily.

She continued, "someone wants to bell the cat, Brianna hope you would take a que from Fazel and bring a man home someday"

At that point I glanced at Fazel and stole a look.

Fazel took a deep breath and then stated, "Mom I'm not done yet."

"Oh pardon me my dear, my excitement got the best of me. So whose the lucky girl, lucky enough to be received into the family?"

Fazel cleared his throat a little louder than usual, then said "Brianna Zeenat, I want to marry Brianna"

"Which Brianna?" Mom questioned, I can see her mood go from 100-0 real quick, then back to 100 like a thunderstorm....

"How dare you Fazel!," Mom roared....

"I let you in my home, I brought you up with my daughter, and here you are coming to tell me you want to marry her? You want to marry my daughter into a life I do not want her involved in?"

"Calm down Zeenat, I mean no harm" Fazel tried to calm mom down. But she wasn't having it as she asked Fazel to leave, never to repeat such nonsense again.

With red eyes mom said to Fazel, "You know what I'm capable of Fazel, don't cross me."

Fazel left a broken man, he had actually thought mom would love him enough to let us end up together.

"Irrespective of mom's feelings, I will end up with Fazel," I said to myself in a hush tone.

I really was desperate to marry Fazel and I know there's no how the marriage will be successful with Zeenat out to hunt us if we dare cross her. So I had to take drastic measures as the times were desperate.

I sort the help of Zeenat's rival, Halima.... You know, Halima was Edgar's mistress which was the only thing Mom had against her.

Before Edgar's demise, he had introduced Halima into the drug business and over the years, she has done well to hijack some power and control for herself.

While she detest mom for ending Edgar, Mom hated her for being Edgar's mistress and conniving with Edgar to run her out of town.

Imagine Halima's excitement when she saw me in the apartment she lived with Edgar. She had this irritating smirk on her and I prayed not to regret my actions.

After briefing Halima, she promised to support Fazel and I, thereby granting us the permission to use her place for the wedding.

I heaved a sigh of relief as it seems the Universe is working in my favour.

How ever, it was a celebration too early as words got out. All efforts for Zeenat to reach me proved abortive as I have already made up my mind, I chose Fazel and moved in with him.

I had thought Zeenat would cut me off or at least disown me for going against her wishes but instead Zeenat sent her men after Fazel and I.

We do not have all it takes to fight Zeenat off but Fazel was able to make enough money to buy us a house abroad and prepared for our relocation.

One evening, as we were doing dinner, we heard a loud explosion which sent us to the ground and caused us to sustain lots of bruises. We stayed there for quite sometime and then made effort to exit the building.

I was so pissed that my own mother would want to end me over my choice of partner.

I mean, Fazel is trying so hard to get the good life for us so what's Zeenat's problem?

I placed a call through to Halima and told her we would need to get married ASAP and that she should make it happen. .

Boy! was Halima excited, anything to rile Zeenat, but I just wanted to be official with Fazel and move on with our lives as getting married was the final puzzle piece to seal our relocation.

I had thought reaching out to Halima for help was the best bet, little did I know I was in for a shocker. On the deal day of our marriage, Fazel got a call to come sort out some business dealings. Since we would be leaving for good, Fazel was tying loose ends.

"Go ahead my love, I'll meet up with you" Fazel assured me as he planted a kiss on my forehead. Suddenly, I didn't feel the need to go wait up for Fazel at Halima's.

I decided to use the in-between and my free time to pay Zeenat one last visit. Was I scared? "Of course I was, my heart was literally trying to escape through my mouth, but I knew in that hardened Zeenat lied my mother.

On getting to the house, I had hope to see Zeenat so I can confront her why she wanted to end my life. Instead I saw my mom struggling for her life and I was told she was poisoned by an unknown substance.

I quickly contacted Fazel to inform him, immediately it just doesn't make sense to place Zeenat's face behind the mask of our attacker.

For starters, Zeenat has been ridden and business hasn't been going well, she has lost a lot of control so can't possibly pull up an attack.

I did some digging and discovered it's been Halima all along gunning for her pound of flesh and Fazel helped her by poisoning mom because she refused him to marry me.

I do not know what to feel, but all I know is that, they are going to pay.

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