Into The Other Realm

“Princess Ellenore, your husband calls for your presence”, I heard a voice say from behind

“My husband?When did I marry?”, I asked myself confusingly

“Stepmother?!!!”, I screamed after turning to see my stepmom dressed as a maid

“Ma’am I’m not your stepmother, I am your maid. Your husband, the Prince would like to see you now. Kindly follow me.”, She replied

Still very much confused at what was happening, I followed my maid to whoever wanted to see me.

“Huhhh?? I quickly hid before Prince could see me. What am I doing here? Where am I and why is the Prince here?”, I thought to myself

“Ma’am why are you hiding from your husband? Do you have a fever? Is something wrong with you?”, the maid asked

“My darling, what’s wrong?”, Prince Jonathan interrupted

“Huhh? He called me his darling? Prince Jonathan called me his darling? What’s happening?”, I kept on asking myself

“Mummy!!” a pretty little girl ran to hug me

“Mummy? Wait, why is this pretty little girl referring to me as mummy? Why does she look like me? Am I a mother?”

“Darling? Is everything okay? Do you not like this island?”

“Island?” I asked myself

“Mummy it’s time for our yacht ride” the little girl said.

“Give me a minute” I said as I tried navigating my way back to the room I was initially.

I sat on the bed to process everything.

“My princess, is everything okay?”

“I said give me a minute”, I replied

“Okay, but we just want to know you’re fine”

“Give me a….”

After realizing who was talking to me, I couldn’t finish my statement. It was the bed!
Very scared, I got up and moved back only to be blocked by the wardrobe.

“Wait!! I promise that wasn’t the initial position of the wardrobe” I thought to myself

“Yes, you’re right” the wardrobe responded

“Whatt? How did you…? I didn’t say that aloud…” I stuttered

“Yes we know” the mirror replied

Right when I looked around, I realized all the things in the room had come closer to find out what was wrong with me.

“My princess, are you okay?” I could hear Prince Jonathan’s footsteps approaching the room.

In a glimpse, everything went back to their original position.

“Was I dreaming?” I thought to myself

He entered the room with the little girl and we all left for the yacht ride. We strolled down to the yacht and went on board. As we climbed the stairs, I saw one of the most beautiful lunch set up with our names on the seats.
It also came with a view, a very beautiful one and the weather was perfect.

The yacht started moving at a slow pace and then we started eating. Little Diane was so excited and I was surprised to see her display her table etiquettes even as little as she was.
If she was truly my daughter, then I must have done a great job.

Prince Jonathan, kept on showering me with forehead kisses the least chance he got. 30 minutes into the yacht ride, I could still not see any houses or any one on the island. It Looked like we were the only ones on that island.
Right after I looked back, I realized I lived in a castle. Yes! A castle. I was really married to Prince Jonathan, the man of my dreams and we even had a pretty daughter called Diane who looked like me.

I stood on the upper deck trying so hard to remember how everything happened. I couldn’t believe any of the things happening especially inanimate things talking to me? When I turned to go back to Harry, I tripped and fell into the ocean.
Ellenore!!!! I heard Prince Jonathan scream my name.

Right when I hit the water, I woke up in my old bedroom in my stepmother’s basement with my tattered pillowcase soaked with dark tears.

“Come on girl, you wished for tables to turn, for a happy life. I gave you that and then you still came back? You really must love this life with your stepmom to come back”, my fairy godmother said to me the moment I opened my eyes

“I never wished to come back”, I said back

“But you had some doubts in your heart”, she said

“Ohhh!!!, I’m sorry, I had little time to process everyth…….and about the inanimate things speaking to me, tell me I wasn’t crazy?”

“Ellie, you already speak to the things in your room in this universe so it’s no news but in that universe, they can hear and respond. It’s just as you’ve always wished for”

“And my stepmom being my maid?” I asked

“Well, you wished for tables to turn, my dear”

“Ohhhhh I ge….”

Before I could finish my statement, she pointed her wand at me and I was back on the deck in Prince Jonathan’s arms with my clothes soaked with water. Seeing my little Diane holding my hand in tears made my heart ache. I immediately embraced the two most important people in my world.

There and then, everything made sense. I realized I was living the life I’ve always wished for. How I got there? I had no answers but I knew I was forever going to be grateful to my fairy godmother and if I had my way, I would never return.

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this is my entry to scholar and scribe x dreemport week 2 challenge

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