2022-05-27 - systems

This morning, I was a little bothered by a key management issue that came up. I have a system set up to track keys for my building. If I can avoid it, I prefer to not have to rekey. The system works great for tracking hundreds of keys for doors and furniture. However, if I don't use the system, things fall into chaos.

Well, I'm not always present at the facility to issue keys. So, there isn't always any record of who received a key or keys. This morning, I discovered that I had no file cabinet keys for a particular office. And, I was down to my last copy of the door key. If there is at least one copy, I can make more. But, if there aren't any, how would I get a key? I'd have to contact the furniture manufacturer to get a copy made. Or, I would have to have the file cabinet rekeyed. I would never issue my last key.

Fortunately, the last key was in the file cabinet lock. I'll have to request it so that I can make copies.

Systems are how I am able to keep track of so much information. I have a key tracking system, work order system, purchase request system, and even a way to take notes. This is how I keep the insanity of the job at bay.

How Much Hospitality Do We Provide?

Something that we are debating as a management team is the question of our tenants using our spaces to allow other organizations to host their events. For example, if our tenant is Org A, they have the ability to use conference rooms and classrooms for their operations. But, let's say Org A has a relationship with Org B. Then, they decide that they are going to extend our hospitality to Org B so that Org B can use our spaces. So, they book use of the Space so that Org B can have their event.

From our perspective, we have no contract or obligation to host Org B. There is a real cost to us in time and resources in hosting an outside organization.

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