What did I learn selling electroculture devices at our village car boot sale?


Car boot sales (mobile markets) are a big deal here in France and every little village gets its chance on one day of the year to convert its streets to a market and sell whatever they want. Well, just to be clear, the law states that we must only sell second hand items from our home, but I don't take much notice of laws like this which seek only to ensure the consistent flow of tax money to the government around any kind of business. The opportunity to not only spread the word about electroculture but also to make a little money selling some of the many amazing devices, plants & seeds my family and I have created this Summer was simply too appealing.

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I started putting our stall together a week before the event by creating these information boards associated with each of the three electroculture products I was selling. Orgonite, coils & spirals.


My first thought was to hand out leaflets about electroculture in french but in the end went for this basic approach which gave me talking points if people wanted to know more. This also meant that I had to practice speaking French!


Our orgonite creations seen here.


What I like most about these orgonites is our 'trademark' coil which can be seen clearly reflected in the bottom of each one. Here is the first one which Luna made, giving me the idea to make all of them like this.


There is nothing but resin in the bottom section of each orgonite so the copper coils you can see at the bottom are just reflections. And I love this! Makes them look bigger than they really are.


We have noticed over the years that Esteban has an unearthly ability to make fantastic flavoured chocolate by combining a special variety of chocolate mint with little pieces of various different nuts and dried fruits, so it was decided that the children would also sell chocolate.


He was inspired by all my sign making and also made his own. That's how it goes with children. We don't teach with our words but with our actions.


I printed out a bunch of different photos to illustrate various things, like this huge broccoli & dill which just like the other plants listed on these boxes, created their seeds next to our pyramid.


This quite obviously gives the seeds (which were double the size of normal seeds) special powers!

Let's see if the people of this region appreciate such things...

Market day

The streets became busy at 5am and believe it or not there were already buyers hanging around, keen to pick up the best stuff before anyone else.


Luna seemed a bit confused being out of bed at that time and ended up on this step looking like she had been there all night due to too much alcohol!


Esteban on the other hand seemed alert and ready to go.


We were almost ready by the time it started getting light.


So I ran to the garden and harvested lettuce, flowers and spirals.


Above our stall we had this fountain which made a convenient place to put the lettuce.


I just picked three of them knowing that we may not sell any! There are weekly farmers markets here so people don't come to these kind of events to buy food. But if by chance they turned out to be a hot seller I could always run back to the garden and pick more.


The photos were there to show people how the lettuce had been grown, with spirals.


Down below, the electroculture stall was ready now.


Over to my left we also had this lot. Plants and seeds we have in abundance. The baby plants are borage, calendula and spider plants (which also like growing indoors).


We put one spider plant in this banana tree tub last year and now we have this lot. So yes, it seemed only logical to take some babies off the mother plant and put them in soil.


I feel sure this is how it worked in the old days. Everyone just did what they loved and naturally created an abundance of certain things, which they would then give away to the community around them. And if everyone did the same thing there would be no need for money at all, or indeed the various poisons which grow from it. With this in mind I probably should have just given our plants & seeds away for free. Ultimately they represent no more than a few minutes work for me so why not? Next time I will do this. To affect change in the world we don't need to look outward but rather just live in a way which reflects the kind of world we would like to see.

This montage of images was put there to show people a little 'evidence' from our land, though it was interesting to note over the course of the day how WE were a much more real kind of evidence, as so many people commented how happy and healthy we seemed.


Here is Esteban & Luna's stall. Not exactly sure how to translate that. Something like 'The little yummy snack'.


Needless to say, they sold (and ate) all of them.

Here is Sabrina's side of the stall, selling all the old baby clothes, toys & books.


Behind us is our home. Well, the middle floor only. We are in fact living in a government owned building. Living with the enemy one could say! But we don't look at it like that. He's actually a great landlord and seems to genuinely love our children. That's my office window above the Mayor's wooden arch door.


It provides a lovely view of what is effectively the centre of our village.


Here is Esteban posing as an electroculture antenna.


Worth pointing out that all barefoot humans (which on this day was just Esteban & myself) are already electroculture antennas of sorts. Sorry for all you shoe lovers who will never understand what I am talking about.

Here is a clementine plant with two images of how it looked in January (small & sick). The sign reads "In January I was sick but electroculture saved me".


A few people asked me if I felt better now so I guess that wasn't clear at all!

But many people also asked us if this was a plastic plant, which seemed odd.


Do people assume now when a plant is super healthy and green that it must therefore be plastic? Apparently so.

I had no expectations about what I was going to sell (which is of course the only way to approach things like this) so I was not disappointed when it turned out the world isn't ready to spend money on twisted copper wire. It is a leap which comes only through education. So my primary mission was just that. To introduce people to the idea that such things exist.


Many people took photos of my picture boards, keen to do further research on Reich, Lakhovsky & Ighina when they got home. Which was exactly my intention.

Potentially my prices were wrong for this kind of occasion and €1 would have been better here.


Just hard to justify when each one takes me 20mins to make by hand, infusing my personal energy into it.

The item which did seem to interest people was this one.


I noticed how EVERY child who passed our stall had to stop and touch them. I mean it. Every single one. And they all turned to their parents and asked if they could have one. Think you know what the answer was 99% of the time.

Children are simply more intuitive than adults.

This little girl in the red dress was in the 1%. She came back to our stall so many times and ultimately was able to get the money out of her father.


Ah yes, the cats! I must mention that we have cats all over this village now (we always give our kittens away to locals) and two of them joined us that day.

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Sabrina didn't like the potential cat fluff on clean clothes problem but I encouraged her to let it go as this would naturally attract people to our stall.


Which it did! Everyone loves cats and it made the street feel more like a family living room.


The most commonly asked question was "how much for the cat?".

My standard response was €200, at which point the cats would look at me like this.


Eventually they just went to sleep. Totally unbothered by the many people who wanted to touch them.


Esteban & Luna had a great day running around the village unattended.


Here is Esteban, the barefoot leader of his biker gang. You don't mess with this lot.


Despite her 'princess tendencies' Luna is very much a tom-boy, having grown up in a village predominantly full of little boys.


Off they go to pull down our local 5G tower ;)


Final thoughts

Once a person is able to let go of financial gains as the motivating force behind such occasions they become open to the much more useful energetic gains one will achieve through Universal Laws in exchange not for their physical efforts but for their focused intentions which reach out into the quantum realm where like attracts like.

Consequently the list of wonderful people we met that day is endless, many of them stopping to chat for long periods, sharing nuggets of wisdom & personal experiences, some of which I will disclose for you now.

A man told me to set a copper wire in the middle of one of my iron/quarz/copper orgonite pyramids and make sure the wire extends from the quartz crystal in the middle out of the top/apex for about 10cms. The vortex which is formed in this region by the energy of the pyramid will naturally interact with the copper wire making it circle around in the air. Permanently. Sounds a lot like a great opportunity to demonstrate free energy in a physical way to me and I would love to see this in action! Post coming soon.

An energy healer lady (who has a frequency healing device not unlike the ones I described for you last month) had one simple question for us before she said anything at all. "Are you vaccinated?". Once she established we are not she told us amongst other things to prepare for the death of many people. My family & I are already physically and mentally prepared for this possibility but we are equally prepared for the possibility that my beliefs about the world are wrong and all mankind's tribulations can by bypassed, giving way directly to the Age of Enlightenment.

Finally, a man told me to write down the words "Jardin du Graal" which I did and googled later, finding some wonderful films featuring an incredible (barefoot) French man Philipe Forrer who led me to even more wonderful books which demonstrate clearly how it is possible to grow vegetables all year round in a region of France which can reach -26°C in the winter, using a zero effort system (one plants & one harvests, nothing else) which utilises lots of mulch and a very specific kind of zinc/copper electroculture antenna placed every 7m on the land.

Knowing this I realise now I could actually survive here in France, even when we see the massive drops in temperature which are coming soon with the Grand Solar Minimum. So it is very possible that this simple little car boot sale has completely changed the future for my family as I had intended to keep moving south over time, through Spain and into Africa as the northern & southern hemispheres get colder. Perhaps now we will simply stay here, up a mountain somewhere with our own little electroculture paradise while everyone else moves away from the region believing it to be uninhabitable. This could work very well to our advantage.

Overall what I learned from selling electroculture devices is that 95% of people are not only not ready to buy such things but they are not ready to even entertain the thought that such a device could be of benefit to them. But the 5% who are struck me as being incredible people, all of them, and I am excited to build my future world alongside exactly these kind of people.

We went home at the end of the day with €120, most of which came from the baby clothes. I sold four orgonites and two lettuces. Once lady bought a spiral so I gave her two extra ones for free. Another lady picked up a spider plant just to enjoy the way it looked, so I also gave this away.

All in all it was an awesome experience from which I have learned a lot and if the world is still holding together next year I intend to expand this little operation to other villages and take advantage of the endless car boot sales here in this region.

Perhaps we will bring some cats!

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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